breastfeeding-having a period-getting preg!!


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2007
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This is prob a really silly question but if your breast feeding i've read it can take longer for your periods to come back.

If you have no period are you still able to get preg? As girls that have never had a period have got preg before?! (well again thats what i've read in mags!!)

I was just wondering how quick i need to get back on the pill after giving birth.
If you haven't had your period then chances are you're not ovulating so can't get pregnant. But I know of an old member on here (can't remember her name :oops: ) who hadn't had her periods back after her first baby was born, was still breastfeeding and then found herself pregnant again so it can happen.
i am fully breast feeding and hav had no periods since i had my baby 4 months ago :cheer:

iv read on the net and been told by the MW and nurse BF is 98% effective contraception (same as the pill!) as long as ur ONLY BFing (no bottles or solids) and baby is under 6 months.

im not using any other contraception atm and am not pg (altho im planning 2 get the mini pill soon as im gonna wean my baby).

i kno someone on this forum who had a baby at same time as me whos been trying for another since last month (alas no bfp but hopefully next month! :pray: ) and she is partially BFing so that BF must be quite powerful stuff!

if u really dont want another str8 away tho and u dont wanna risk that 2%, then take the mini-pill or use condoms (there, im not responsible 4 any accidents now- lol!) :)
Yes you can get pregnant from around 21 days after giving birth, whether you exclusively breastfeed or not.
For the breastfeeding method to work, its recommended there's a minimum of ten short, or six long breastfeeds, every 24 hours with no interval longer than six hours and no use of a dummy.
You should use a contraceptive as soon as you start having sex again after your LO's birth if you definitely don't want any suprises.
Since a woman releases an egg 12-16 days before her expected period, it is possible for women to get pregnant without having periods.
Very best wishes :hug:
i didn't have periods when BF my first baby but i still got pregnant when she was 4 months old :lol: .
Its a myth that you cant conceive whilst BF although i think it is harder.
yeh i heard that you can't get pregnant to while your BFing to. i'm using condoms.. i want to wait till i get my second period before i start the pill. so hopefully i know when my cylce is coming.

but beacuse where using condoms, i still feel very worried :?
:lol: I have some knowledge of this :lol:

I got pregnant whilst breast feeding. :oops: I had been feeding for a year, 3 feeds a day. I had one really light period in July (11 months after my son was born) and then fell pregnant again in the August.

It did take 11 months for my periods to come back this time, with my first it took 7 months and he was bottle fed.

Ive only had 3 periods since my first son was concieved 3 yeras and 3 months ago! :rotfl:
ok, so i need to get straight back on the pill then!!

i've enjoyed my body having nothing back in it, oh well
i got pregnant when my first was 9 weeks so i'd say dont risk it. you can go on mini pill which is safe when breast feeding.

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