Breastfeeding - Exhaustion


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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Im exclusively breastfeeding Ellie (as she wont have a bottle) and its really draining me, shes feeding around every 2-3hrs for a good hr most feeds and seems to be constantly hungry, shes also started waking up for a night feed now aswell again which she had stopped doing... I think she's having another growth spurt as I weighed her on my mums digi scales and it says shes gained over 20oz in 10days so must be growing lots hence her feeding. She had a growth spurt around 6 weeks and now seems to be having another...

Im feeling really drained from breastfeeding, its the only thing that I can think thats making me feel so exhausted all the time. She sleeps well apart from one night feed so its not lack of sleep, im on iron so its not a deficiency, Im eating well and drinking plenty... what else could it be apart from this lil monkey is draining all the life out of me?! :?

Im feeling so tried/drained that its making me feel quite down and low and im a bit worried im gunna end up with pnd if I dont get something sorted, I dont think I have pnd at mo (I have a history of depression) but im just fed up of feeling so weak and exhausted all that time that its really getting to me... after Ellies birth i was exhasuted due to very low iron levels and blood loos but now 9weeks later surely that would have sorted it self out? I know that being a mum is tiring etc but I seriously feed exhausted not just tired :( I plan to go to the doctors this week about it but just wondered if anyone has been through the same thing and can shed any light on it for me?

Another thing thats playing a big part in me feeling so drained is that fact that I cant have a proper break, Ellie wont have a bottle so I need to feed her so cant go far for long at all. Hubby is taking as much of the pressure off as he can and has also been trying her with a bottle lots too.

Any ideas why i feel like this, could it be due to breastfeeding or something else?
Sorry to hear you're feeling so tired :hug:

My LO is on a growth spurt too I think, as he's on the breast every 2-3hrs and knawing on my clothes when I try & wind him - bless! :?

Not sure what to suggest for you as sounds like you're getting enough kip (lucky you!) - but maybe if you could just get away from LO even for an hour to have some "me time"... as soon as you've finished feeding, how about handing over to your partner for winding, then either head out for a walk to get some fresh air or if too cold have a nice relaxing bath.

Take care - hope you feel a bit more human soon.
The only thing I could think of is to try expressing and see if she will eventually take the breast milk from a bottle if you hold out long enough?

Have you tried holding out from her? It won't be easy but if its the only way of getting a break it might be worth it. She won't starve herself so it could be just a case of your willpower over hers! If you could persevere you could then get your OH to give her one feed every day which would give you time to chill out.
Hi hun! :hug:

Sorry it is tought for you, but you are doing a great job. :hug: :hug: :hug:

Have you tried these bottles ... 1&mcb=core

We were using them to combine breastfeeding and bottlefeeding. And I heard loads of positive replies from mums, whos lo wouldnt take a bottle.
Hope it will get better soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
Yeh we've been trying different bottles, different techniques to get her to have them etc but she has a few sucks then screams... we've tried keep giving her the bottle but she screams that much she makes herself sick & I cant put her through that every feed!

I spose im just gunna have to hold it out, I literally feel like im gunna stop soon as im running on very low batteries so to speak. Its not the time it takes to feed her thats the problem its the way im feeling so exhausted thats driving me so mad... Even wen sam does have her after her feed I havent got the energy to move off the sofa let alone go for a walk or anything!

Will see what doc says :)
It is exhausting, we are having a growth spurt here to and feeding every 2-3hrs, although luckily Holly is feeding quicker now

I wouldnt worry about getting off the sofa, take the time to veg out that can be just as liberating especially if your OH takes Ellie out.

I havent been anywhere the last couple of days either but I know it will pass.
Yeh its just im starting to feel really low & depressed thats bothering me, hope its just a phase :pray:
I went through the same thing at this age, really wanted to give up felt crap, unatractive, Oli was always on and I had no time for myself.

It is a growth spurt and will calm down in a little while.

There are so many milestones ( which they are ) with breastfeeding and I can honestly say you will get to a stage were you are both very content, in a routine and its easy.

You don't get anything as satisfying and rewarding as breastfeeding, its in a league of its own, you've done brilliantly and so many of the mums here have too, you should be so proud of yourself :hug:
Hey chick

I totally understand how you feel - I went through exactly the same thing - clicky. I have always exlusively breastfed, and the only bottle DD would take until she was 6 months old was this one, which Melanie kindly sent me when DD was about 4 months old.

I didn't find any solution, but gradually I felt so much better. I kept up the vitamins, ate and drank well and drank lots of water and eventually this worked, I think. Once DD got to 6.5 months and was having 2 meals a day, then I really felt a difference too, although now she's on 3 meals a day of 2 courses and I'm just pooped making and feeding her all these meals and breastfeeding her 4+ times too - but don't worry about that just now!

Good luck honey - you're doing brilliantly. Have a read of the first link above to see what other kind posters suggested for me, as my post from when DD was 3 months old was very very similar to yours. :hug: to you, you are not alone, PM me anytime.

Valentine Xxx
Thanks for your words of encouragement, its great to know im not alone & it will get easier :) Its been great having hubby at home over the weekend as he's been able to take some of the strain :)

I am awaiting an adiri nursing bottle, fingers crossed it helps a bit... will keep u posted :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Just wanted to give you these :hug: :hug:

Breastfeeding can be extremley demanding and exhausting.

Are you eating and drinking plenty to keep up your strength. Are you taking any supplements? I took pregnacare throughout my pregnancy and whilst breastfeeding.

Gabs wouldn't take EBM from a bottle for a while but she did eventually; persevere hun and just relax as much as you can and rest when she does.

It DOES get better :hug: :hug: :hug:
jo have you tried cup feeding ? i was recommended it when i was trying to breastfeed leland .
Yeh she takes a cup/feeder no probs but its a load of messing around keep pouring it in so never end up bothering :)
I had exactly the same situation with Grace. She never ever took to a bottle and ended up going straight from breast to a cup. It was really hard at first ........ and I was always on here asking for help and saying that I thought I was going to have to give up breast feeding ....... as like you I was so exhausted......... but it really does get better.......... one day it just felt like we had both turned a corner...
try to rest as much as you can (easier said than done I know), the girls on here recommended porridge for brekkie and it really did make a difference...... having something in the morning that kept me going...
you are doing such a brillaint job... hang in there.........
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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