Breastfeeding dilemma!


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2007
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I'm still breastfeeding my little sweet pea but he does tend to see my breast as a soother as well as often falling asleep alot after just a few minutes of feeding. I have started to combine formula with breast now and express my breast milk too, to give my poor mishapen nipples a break sometimes.

I have recently found however that my left breast is becoming a bit engorged alot of the time and its leaking alot more (plus its giving me shooting pains from armpit right down through the breast) and the right breast seems alot less hard and much more floppy lol. The only way to relieve it is to keep putting baby to the left breast to relieve the soreness but this is obviously making the situation worse. I think the problem might have started as because Im right handed I find it easier to hold him and latch him on to left breast, therefore probably doing more feeds from that side! I;ve always had a bit of difficulty getting him latched on to the right one. Anyone have any ideas how I can make it less engorged without actually stopping the milk production completely? Its really confusing to know what to do!
my mw also told me that you produce more milk one side , ie if your left handed u produce more on the right and vice versa !

can u express more from the left ?

have u tried rugby ball style ? lay lil one along your side nstead of ya tummy ?
G3M said:
my mw also told me that you produce more milk one side , ie if your left handed u produce more on the right and vice versa !

can u express more from the left ?

have u tried rugby ball style ? lay lil one along your side nstead of ya tummy ?

I do this quite a lot. You can still hold the laptop at the same time :cheer:
I find my right boob engorges more...but I'm right handed :think: Lil miss prefers the right I prefer the left... I just try and remember to feed one feed one boob, next feed opposite boob... and after each feed to express off any remaining milk that makes me feel engorged. :D
Moomum said:
G3M said:
my mw also told me that you produce more milk one side , ie if your left handed u produce more on the right and vice versa !

can u express more from the left ?

have u tried rugby ball style ? lay lil one along your side nstead of ya tummy ?

I do this quite a lot. You can still hold the laptop at the same time :cheer:

this position literally saved me! my MW said it is very good if you have an engorged breast and also if you have large boobs! My left nipple was very sore, cracked and bleeding on day 4 and every latch on was agony, but changing to this position made all the difference.
Hope you get some relief soon

my left boob was millie's/my favourite, so engorged more- i solved it by feeding that side a little first to relieve the engorgement, but then switch after just a few swallows before she satisfied her hunger. i did hav odd boobs for a bit coz obviously the left one was still big and full, but it helped even it out. good luck!
I've started feeding more regularly from both breasts in the last few days and so its become less engorged, but inbetween feeds I still get sore and shooting pains which I think is the milk reproducing?
I have also found that whilst he's feeding my breasts are getting itchy and trying to scratch them whilst he's sucking away is more than a little awkward! :shock:

The whole breast/formula business is still a bit all over the place, as there are times he wont drink much from a bottle before falling asleep again, or he'll be wanting lots of little breast sucks over a long period of time. It really throws everything out of sync, and DH and I are wrecked over trying to figure out what to do next! Roll on solids!!!

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