Breastfeeding and Weaning


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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Do any of you BF'ing Mummy's give you babies water (or some other liquid) with solid meals?
Evelyn usually has a boob before or after a meal but nothing else...

We're off to Spain in May too so with the increased temp I want to make sure she's well hydrated.
I know breastmilk is hydrating enough but wondered if anyone gave their babies other liquids?
I'm not breastfeeding but I think you should offer extra water with meals (according to my anabel karmel book), about 2oz with each meal to avoid constipation, I'd say definately offer more in the heat throughout the day xxx
I offer her baby juice but she prefers Breast it is recommended to offer with food I think x
I try allsorts but Oscar is definitely booby crazed!

He eats about 3 whole pouches of puree every day but seems to bf for shorter periods about 3 times in the day but what seems like all night. He WILL NOT drink anything else whatever I offer!
yep since saturday when we started BLW we offer a sippy cup of water, it's free flowing so it's taking a while for him to get th ehang of it but he loves it! needs encouragement to hold it and we help to tip it into his mouth but he seriously loves it. I reckon he might think it's milk so it may soon wear off!! not sure if I read it on here but someone suggested giving them a sippy cup in the bath to 'play with' and get used to.
I bf until bout 2 weeks ago, Owen now only wants bottle between 12pma nd 7pm (a little upsetting and annoying but we're getting there!!)
I give Cahal the boob after his solid meals and have started to offer water from a sippy cup which he does enjoy playing with but that's about it - he's not constipated or anything though so must be ok with boob alone for the moment!
you should alter to what LO needs, so if she is thirsty you will produce more foremilk, I do offer a sippy cup of water with meals though...
Thanks for your help guys - gonna try her on an oz or 2 of water with one meal to see how she gets on. Don't want her replacing breastmilk with water :)
I didn't at all until a couple of months after they started on solids...and even then they'd just drink a bit and spit most of it out so I don't think they got much other than milk then anyway!

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