Breastfeeding and Periods


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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I have PCOS so when I had a tummy ache yesterday I thought nothing of it, but then I got my period overnight! :( I am completely shocked because I am exclusively breastfeeding and I didn't think this would happen so soon. Also, I can easily go at least this long without a period under normal circumstances. Why does this have to be the symptom of PCOS that disappears and not, for example, the holding onto of extra weight or the terrible complexion? Argh!

How long until you got yours back?
i got mine when jack was 6 weeks old!
i wasnt happy i didnt think i would have one for months because i was bfeeding!!
I still haven't got mine and August started weaning a month ago. I've been having random period like pains for a couple of months now and I keep thinking that I'll start, but I never do. :?
I think i got mine back at about 4/5 months but they wasn't regular for the first few cycles :)
i voted 'other' cos i still haven't got mine back... but i empathise with you moss, cos i've got PCOS too and am the size of a house at the moment. so much for bf-ing helping you to lose weight :shakehead: :shakehead:
well over 12 months! :dance: i was breastfeeding for eight months, six of those exclusively. even when i went back on the pill i still didnt get periods! i'v only had 2 proper periods since august 2006! due on friday tho, boooo!
Brody was 15 months when I got my first and last one! (We started TTC that month)
I have voted 10 months for when it returned whilst I was still feeding Seren. Still to get it back this time, but I am happy if it doesn't bother - hoping to break the 12 month barrier (I just hate periods, its the reason I like being pregnant and breastfeeding)

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