Breastfeeding and Dummy's


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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Hey guys!
Cant get on here much at the moment I do apologise. Evelyn's a very demanding little girl! Lol!
Anyway, i've been breastfeeding Evie since she was born and although everything is going well, she has a tendency to use me as a dummy after she's fed. She's not hungry as she doesn't take long gulps and stays on the end of my nipple which can make me sore. She's a little monkey, she'll come off it and then she's got this menacing look in her eyes and she'll smile and throw herself back on. This would go on all day if I let her. She screams the house down if I take her off but she does sometimes eventually settle.
Now I know they say to try not to use dummy's when breastfeeding but I cant keep doing this. I cant get anything done through the day at all.
What do you all think? Xx
Oh, i've tried giving her my little finger too but she refuses it.
Hiya,I used dummies with all my babies,including the bfed 2,I also found that they used my nipple to settle on,I found a dummy helped loads and also gave me an extra 15 mins b4 feedin when we was out shoppin lol xxx
Im not breast feeding anymore, as I stopped because Paige used me as a dummy and it just got beyond sore. If I could go back, I would have offered a dummy. I remember evie saying something about flat teeted dummys being better as it means the baby has to suck on them a fair amount, so the baby will continue to latch...although I wouldnt quote me on this lol. But if I was in your position, Id offer.
my mum & dad are both dentists (yeh i do have good teeth, lol ) but what orthodontists recommend are the orthodontic dummies when they are about 9 months (or start to get teeths) to prevent any gum problems or teeth alignment, its worse with finger sucking tho,

i have gone against all what i wanted to do and got 2 dummies just incase for the samer reasons you have said, i think the baby will learn whats food n whats not, but im hoping i can just get away with baby just havving dummy to settle for sleeps... i can but try :)

good luck!!

I'm solely bf'ing and was having the same problem so now give Cahal a dummy when he's finished his feed. He's also been quite coicky and I've found it really does soothe him. As far as breast feeding goes, he's as keen and eager as ever so hasn't affected that at all!
Matt has a tweeter as I call them - I use it when he needs to settle down and is overtired or when he needs soothing. I don't use it at night as thats just asking for trouble later on IMO :)
I've used dummies with mine and it's not caused any problems with BFing. I think you know when they are comfort's less rhythmic and more like a little quivery suck. I used dummies when I am happy they are full and maybe I need to get on with something. I took Hebe's off her at 6 months as she wasnt really addicted to it and I thought it would be easier then than later......only a week or so and I'll chuck Sid's. I think he'll find his thumb though!
Thanks for all your help guys :) I can definitely tell when she's not feeding. She get's all cocky (yes, a cocky 4week old! Lol!) and more nibbles on me rather than sucking. Silly girl!
Been looking at the tommee tippee ctn dummy's so might give those ago. The good thing is that on a night she sleeps immediately after a feed so she wouldn't need it then. It's just through the day x
If it helps you keep going then who cares when you use it! :D
Morgan breastfeeds, bottle feeds for top ups and uses a dummy :lol:

it was the specialist BF health visitor who put him on a dummy because he needed to stimulate his suck reflex to be able to BF it worked too! she told me not to tell other mums because in most cases a dummy wont help, just if poor sucking is a problem.

Despite the feeding probs we've had now that morgan is BFing, we've seen no signs of 'nipple confusion'

We're the same as you RM his bedroom is a dummy free zone, im not going down that road of having a child who cant sleep without a dummy!
just to be nosey and curious... you know you dont give them dummies at night, say if they dont settle, would you consider it then or is an established routine best then try and calm them yourself? im a general beginner and really appreciate hints and tips :D x
generally try to avoid using a dummy to settle them to sleep. its an absolute nightmare to get them off it and usualy ends up losing sleep and lots of toddler tantrums. try not to do anything you wont be happy doing when theyre bigger or for a long time. the thing is, when they wont calm down, you do just want to do anything to make it better!
My lo has found her fingers from quite early on (have pic at 2 days sucking them) and in the last two weeks can find her thumb easily. I am breast feeding and have used the nipple as a dummy trick and the baby finger, just glad she is past that crying constantly stage when tired and with a top of milk before bed and she settles herself.
i gave a dummy to Riley when BFing and it really helps! he only has it when he's sleepy so it must be a comfort to him. get the tommee tippee closer to nature dummies with the straight teat not the bent up ones, their supposed to replicate 'mummy's nipple' i stick with them though as they are good for their mouths! xx
I ended up buying her some TT CTN ones as they were half price in Mothercare - although she wont take them. She hates them infact! lol!

Can anyone suggest a make that she may find better?

Thanks guys xx

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