Breastfeeding after a ceserian??


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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I really really really am addiment on breastfeeding, but am worried if I end up having a section I won't be able to?
Have heard it takes more time for ur milk to come in after having a section rather than a natural birth, is that right?
Just wanted some good stories about mums who've had sections but still breastfed as I'm really against her having any formula.
I'd feel like such a failure if I didn't breastfeed :(
I'm 5 weeks on from a planned c-section, cos G was breech, today. My milk came in at about 48 hrs , did find breastfeeding hard to start with but that was because I didnt know what i was doing and let G latch on badly and he damaged my nipples - not to do with section and now we're doing just fine at it.
Aw honey, I reckon you'll be ok. The midwives will provide you with more than enough support, an will really help you get things started and established. Lots of skin to skin is going to help I wouldve thought, and you'll be well away! Really dontthink your going to need a section for some reason. I have a good vibe that you'll deliver naturally! Xx
My milk came in on the Saturday, had baby on the Wednesday, after emergency section. I had issues with attachment only because I couldn't drag myself up the bed straight away to be sat up. I was almost laid down when I fed Isla for the first time.

Remember their bellies are tiny when new born so colostrum (spelling is awful sorry) is enough for them. Isla was sleeping for three hours at a time in hospital.

The midwifes will help you so don't worry xx
^^^^^ Because G wouldnt latch on I had to hand express colostrum with the mw there to catch the drops with a little syringe and then syringe feed him for the first 36hrs or so - not ideal but it was fine in the long run.
we got told that it can be more difficult for milk to come through etc after a section as birthh isn't natural (that sounds so horrible aand cold) so you're body doesn't go through all the process of releasing hormones to stimulate the breast and milk production. It doesn;t happen to everyone but we got told that there is an increased number of women who struggle with milk producion who have had a section. I had a section on the sunday and it was about a week and a bit later that my boobies filled! however there is so much help, advice and support from mws/hvs to increase milk supply and generally just be there if there were any problems. The biggest and best advice i suppose i got was not to stop feeding him as that will help bring milk in. However i just couldn't satisfy his hunger and so just had to top up with formula slightly...
They gave me an injection as soon as I'd delivered her, some sort of hormone x
I didn't have a problem,I had my section at 10pm and he fed all night. I had to get the nurse/midwife to help me latch him on and take him off me wen he'd finished which was a pain wen he was feedin all night but didn't have a problem wiv supply xx

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