

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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Does your LO switch between breast and teat easily?

I've had it trying to cup feed Matilda the colief and Gaviscon so I'm think of expressing and using a bottle for those feeds.

We are nearly 3 weeks in now, is this long enough to establish breastfeeding?

I think we have it nailed, she latches beautifully and is gaining weight etc
She did until we didn't give her a bottle for three days at 5.5 weeks and since then she screams if we offer her a bottle. There is no way she will take it even if she's hungry!
Oz did until 4 months old, most he had was 1 bottle a day, well few oz's of expressed milk. At 4 months old he rejected bottles altogether! But feeds were so quick then it wasn't the end of the world!
alex swaps between the 2 really easily. Our HV recomended that we introduced the teat as soon as possible to make her more likely to take it so I started expressing at 2 weeks xx
We had so many problems with latch, that I had to give a bottle of EBM at a few days, and G switches no problem.

I warn you though, the gaviscon sachets are a thickner and if your giving EBM, it's a bit difficult to get out the bottle.

Also - i dunno anythin about colief, but have you asked about liquid gaviscon - 1ml from a syringe is soooo much easier!! Xxx
Sam switches easy however he does clearly have a preference and that's boob! X
We had so many problems with latch, that I had to give a bottle of EBM at a few days, and G switches no problem.

I warn you though, the gaviscon sachets are a thickner and if your giving EBM, it's a bit difficult to get out the bottle.

Also - i dunno anythin about colief, but have you asked about liquid gaviscon - 1ml from a syringe is soooo much easier!! Xxx

I just mix the Gaviscon with water and have started feeding her it with a bottle after feeds like it says in the instructions. The colief is supposed to be spooned in with breast milk but that's a ballache too and more ends up on me than in her.

Fx I haven't encountered any problems so far with supposed nipple confusion. I've even got her to take a dummy as well somehow. It saves my ears in the small hours lol.
We had so many problems with latch, that I had to give a bottle of EBM at a few days, and G switches no problem.

I warn you though, the gaviscon sachets are a thickner and if your giving EBM, it's a bit difficult to get out the bottle.

Also - i dunno anythin about colief, but have you asked about liquid gaviscon - 1ml from a syringe is soooo much easier!! Xxx

I just mix the Gaviscon with water and have started feeding her it with a bottle after feeds like it says in the instructions. The colief is supposed to be spooned in with breast milk but that's a ballache too and more ends up on me than in her.

Fx I haven't encountered any problems so far with supposed nipple confusion. I've even got her to take a dummy as well somehow. It saves my ears in the small hours lol.

I was told nipple confusion is really rare - the american advice on sids is actually to use a dummy from birth - none of this 4 weeks nonsense. xxxx
As far as I was led to believe...a teat (bottle) or dummy shouldn't be used til 6 weeks old (or maybe its 8!?) was one of the 2 anyway. That was a cpl years ago duno if they're still saying the same thing now.

As far as I was led to believe...a teat (bottle) or dummy shouldn't be used til 6 weeks old (or maybe its 8!?) was one of the 2 anyway. That was a cpl years ago duno if they're still saying the same thing now.


i think they're saying 4 now. but thats only in the uk. xxx

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