Breast Pumps


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2010
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just looking into these lately and I was wondering if the electric ones are much better than manual? and any that are the best in your experiences etc?
Definately electric ones are better in my opinion. I started off with a Tommee Tippee one which unfortunately I'm having to send them back as there is a problem with the motor (although I am assured that this is a very rare problem). In the meantime, I bought a Medela Mini Pump which I have to say is much better. I can get the same amount of milk out in 10 mins now that I used to in 30mins with the TT one!!! Alot of my friends gave up on breastfeeding because they couldn't get the hang of the manual pump and they didn't get an electric one. Obviously everyone is different, but in my opinion, electric ones rule and the Medela Mini one is great! xx
Just from reading on here I've seen the girls saying the medula swing is really good :)

i have the tommee tippee manual which is great, but it aches your hand loads. so i bought the tommee tippee electric one and i cant thank god enough for it. i get 6oz in about 15 minutes so not too bad at all, i just sit on the sofa watching tv whilst expressing and its so much better than pumping away a manual. now i will prob use the manual to go out with or if we go away with small luggage anywhere, the electric is here to stay!
6oz lexi? wow that is good! is that across both breasts? xx
I would recommend the Medela Swing - Ive finished with mine now and am selling it - thought I would mention that! lol x
I've got the avent manual-I had it left from my other son 4 years ago,never had a problem with it but thought I'd try an electric so got the medela mini and I can't get in with it,I find I can express far more by manual pump in half the time. I really think it's a trial and error thing to see how u get on with various types xx
I have both the Tommie Tippe manual and electric and both are great. For speed and lasyness I prefer to use the electric one as it's dead quick and you get loads, only prob is I dok find it a little noisy and put the cd player on to hide noise a little at quiter times of the day. Wouldn't want to use it at 5am just incase the neighbours wondered what it was!!

I will be using the manual when I go to take that concert in cardiff , camping without devon tho in June
lol JJ - I was worried about the noise of the pump with the neighbours etc! The walls aren't exactly thick but they cannot even hear Layla when she crys and she is by far louder lol xx
im after a medela swing rosie where are you selling it and for how much

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