breast pumps and sterilisers??


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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I stood in Mothercare earlier today in an absolute daze whilst looking at the different breast pumps......I did read somewhere that the small electric breast pumps are much better and easy to use than the manual ones, but dont want to make the wrong decision.

Keep looking at the Medela Mini pump, but was then wondering which steriliser would be best to buy - ie best fit of bottles etc to use with the medela.........there is far too much choice for my current pregnant brain to cope with :D

Its an absolute minefield!!

Any suggestions ladies??

Im not due for ages yet, but trying to buy bit by bit as there is too much to think about all in one go!!
The only one I had and used was an Avent Manual one and found it fine. I also had the Avent steam steriliser so all the bits did fit.

I've used the Mini Medela and I have used with a TT microwave/cold water steriliser and an avent microwave steriliser and it fit in bot no problem.

I thought it was a good little pump but very noisy, in the end I had to take it back cause it broke so now I use an avent pump with a TT steriliser.
I have a TT microwave steraliser and use Mam bottles and they fit fine ;)

I have a manual TT pump but only used it once so maybe leave that till u really decide u will need it
i didnt even look into buying a breast pump until millie was 6 months old and i wanted to go out clubbing for the nite, i bought a manual one and could barely get a drop out! and i had such an abundant milk suppy too! i could get more out with my own hands- i got about 100ml out once with my fingers! i couldnt be bothered with all the fuss of pumping and bottles and sterilizing (i am a lazy bones lol!)

i gave millie the odd bottle of formula from 6 months and at 8 months i stopped BFing completely and she was on formula until she was nearly one. i prefer to use milton cold water sterilizing tbh, even tho my big sis bought me an electric one iv barely used it it gives me the fear!
I had the TT manual breast pump and it is really hard on your hands and wrist. I have the Avent electric one and it can also be used as a manual one. I use the TT microwave steriliser.
I have a small electric pump but its never really used. Cost £30 and you can use batteries also. Works fine.

TBH I'd save your pennies atm and wait and see if you actually need one when the time comes. In the early weeks of breastfeeding its recommended to BF exclusively and to not express. This is advised till 6 weeks at least to establish supply and avoid nipple confusion. You can always get one when the time comes if really needed.

You may find once past that stage you don't need one and can manage without.

FWIW I used to do ok hand expressing. If you only plan to express occasionally past the 6 week stage I'd save pennies and not buy an electric. But I'd still wait and not buy one before having baby. I only got mine when LO was about 3 weeks old, used it twice to express (on medical advice) and thought to hell with it as I didn't like it and never used it since.

Also expressing very often does not yeild anywhere near as much milk as a baby will get from your boob. Its never a reliable indication as to how much you are producing.
i bought the advent manual one worked fine when my boobs were really (cant think of the word) really really full, but didnt find it that good if i wasnt completely full so would have a electric one next time i think

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