Breast milk in bottles !


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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When the baby is born what is the average in fl oz the baby drinks?

I am planning to breast feed but also use a breast pump so me and OH can share feeds, it may not work out like that but im going to do my up most to make sure it does lol!

But when im pumping it off how much milk should be in the bottle and how long can the milk stay in the bottle? can I let it cool down to room temp then put it in the fridge and heat it up again or can't you do the with breast milk?

I am going to use the tommie tippie bottles because they are supposed to be similar to nipples.

How long can the breast milk keep for?

I really want to breast feed for as long as I possibly can and pump it off so I can get a break and the baby still get my milk, especialy as me and my OH are very sociable and see our mates all the time, and I dont plan to stay in all the time when little one arrives and let the baby get to know as many of our freinds as possible so its used to lots of people, im like my mum im not putting my life on hold lol baby can fit round my life ( i sound so harsh :| ) i would like to pump it off and take bottles with me instead of getting me boob out lol ( don't think his mates would be too comfortable ! )

Also im not planning to do all this for a few weeks afetr he/she is born as im sure im going to be shatterd and what not but I need to know how its going to go when i do venture out.

Thanks for your advise in advance ladies :hug:

To be honest it is advised not to introduce a bottle for the first 6 weeks as it can lead to teat confusion. Also your milk supply gets established in these weeks too. You should be letting baby feed off you as much as they want as this is what gets your milk up, and if you introduce a bottle it will affect your milk supply. I did and it took me months to get it up to normal.

It depends how much you puimp off. I can only get 5 oz at the moment whereas I know others have got more, some less. Breastmilk can be kept for up to 24 hours in the fridge (main part not door) and 3 months in freezer. Once you warm it back up it should be used within one hour.

I just wanted to say though that me and my OH go out a lot and I have never found breastfeeding interferes with this. In fact it makes it a lot easier for me as I don't have to make up bottles to go etc and can stay out as long as I want as I have my milk with me. I too was worried about feeding in front of OH's mates but now they don't blink an eye. I have used a blanket draped over when I have felt shy. :D
Thanks for your reply :D I wasnt thinking about doing it until my milk had properly come in anyway because I know the first few weeks is just colostrum.

To be honest I don't really want to get my boob out in front of his mates it just wouldnt feel comfotable myself and im sure they wont.

I dunno I will just have to see how things go really, my friend breastfeeds during the day and gives the little one a bottle at night and hes fine with it so I suppose all babies are different will have to wait and see how things go and then decide, thanks for your advice :D
Your milk comes in about 3 days after birth. It is then getting your milk supply esatblished which is why baby will feed very frequently.
ah right :D lol got confused, thanks beanie again 4 ur advise
Tasha you sound like me :lol:

I am going to wear breastfeeding tops from H&M and over them kaftan tops that tie around the back under the bust. When my LO need a feed i'll loosen the kaftan top which is chiffon like baby will go under and my nipple will peek through the breastfeeding top! My theory is nomne sees my boobs and also my stomache will stay covered That's my plan anyway, who knows what it will be like :lol:

The top is like this: ... %3AIT&rd=1
Good idea skatty I will look into getting one thanks :D :hug:

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