Breast Maniac!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2007
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Hi ladies, I'm joining this section as my little bubs is now 8 days old and clinging to my breast like a sponge lol..

I've been breastfeeding him on demand until birth, he's not a screamy baby but his feeding demands are all over the shot. For the past few nights he's been wanting the breast on and off most of the night.
For eg: he is drinking for say 40 minutes then I put him down as he looks asleep, but he starts chewing his hand again after 10 mins as if hungry! :shock: Same thing happens again after feeding and putting him down again. This goes on and on from about 10pm to about 6 am where it becomes impossible to cope as he is constantly on and off. As I don't know how much milk he is actually getting its hard to tell when he is full or just messing about with me?

I have ended up giving him a formula bottle in exasperation of 3 oz at around 7 am to finally get him to settle (and some sleep before going mad!! ). By that point he's not really hungry at all just being tetchy and messing about and drinks just an ounce. (I think he's using my nipple as a comforter too and have tried a dummy but he's not liking it much!)

There is lots of milk in breasts as midwife confirmed he has put on a few ounces in first week, he just likes to have slow little sucks throughout the night, falling asleep often while feeding, waking up again when I put him down! Am getting too knackered now during the night, not sure if I can carry on much longer!

Any mums with experience of this can help I'd be really grateful for any advice! Please tell me it will get better! :pray: :pray:
Charlotte used to feed constantly in the evening and during the night she would feed off one side and then fall asleep. I changed her nappy then so she woke up and gave her the other side and that would settle her for about 3 hours. The only thing I can suggest is putting him on often in the evening to try and fill up before bedtime, and treat night time feeds as business only. You should be able to tell if he is feeding as he will be swallowing, so you could take him off if you think he is just sucking.
The early days of b/f can be hard, but things will settle down and then its the easiest thing in the world.
Have a look for a local b/fing support group - mine was a godsend, and give yourself a pat on the back - you're doing really well. :D
Hi there,

Congratulations on the birth of your baby boy! At this stage, it is really tiring, but it really doesn't last long - sorry to hear you are so tired.

Are you sure that when he is sucking his fingers, he is hungry? My DD has done this from very young as a comfort thing?

It sounds like you need somebody to come and visit you like a breastfeeding counsellor or to go to a breastfeeding support group - they've probably got both locally to you, please ask your m/w or h/v for contact details, these people will undoubtedly be able to help you best as they'll be able to watch him feeding and advise if he is getting milk (you can watch his ears to see if he's swallowing) and advise you how to comfort him after a feed. Sometimes swaddling (although I never did this) and other tricks can work as baby just misses the cuddles and comfort of your body warmth, especially so soon after birth.

Good luck and let us know how you're getting on.

Valentine Xxx
it will get better! sounds very similar to my BFing experience- at first melissa seemed to feed constantly, used me as a comforter and wouldnt take a dummy, and i was worried she might not be getting enough. but she gained weight really really quickly.
BFing is really tiring and hard work at first, as u and ur baby are both learning. i thought the hardest bit was week 2 and 3, she would be on my boob for at least an hour at a time, sometimes up to 90 minutes, and this was every 2 or 3 hours!
but if u wanna stick at it, i can promise u it does get easier. by the second month it wasnt so hard, and by the third month i was a pro- all the awkardness disappeared and it felt really natural.
good luck sweety u done really well! :hug:
Ellie did this & Ive found that when she falls asleep if I wind her then offer her the breast again, if she falls asleep quickly or refuses i move her up to my chest so shes still nice & snug and leave her there for about 10mins until shes defo asleep then put her down in moses basket.

In the night I also feed ellie lay down in bed, whn she falls asleep i gently roll her onto her back & waiy until shes definately asleep then move her over to her moses basket.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
if your comfortable with the idea of co-sleeping id go with it... you get far more sleep she says typing this at 3.30 am this is ther 1st time in almost 7 weeks ive bn up in the night.. he sleep feeds i latch him on when he starts to stur then we both go back to sleep he takes himself off when he has had thing ive ever done is co-sleep while bfing..

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