Breast like bottles


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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Hello Mummies :wave:
Just thought I would get an honest opinion and ask which bottle you think are best to act like the breast, I am hoping to breastfeed and express so OH can feed LO, any advice or opinions greatly appreciated before I start buying bottles :hug:
Tommee Tippee do a bottle which is designed like a boob, I use them for my daughter. Think they are called 'breast to bottle' or something similar. I breastfed for 11 weeks and then went to these bottles and she took to them really well. However, while I breastfed she wouldnt entertain a bottle as she knew what she preferred! Think I was unlucky in that respect though cos a lot of babies will happily take expressed milk.
i use the tommee tippee closer to nature ones and when moving from breastfeeding finley latched on instantly with no problems at all :D
We tried all the ones thatwere supposed to be like the breast and Logan hated them all... now he uses a Avent bottle with a number 2 teat ( normal one) for his bottle at bedtime. HE seems to know the difference between mummy milk and daddy milk! lol and hasn't refused the breast. I think all babies are different and you may have to try them and see.. but try the inexpensive ones first!
I have got Tommee Tippee bottles that have a teat designed like a breast with little bumps on which I used whilst breast and formula feeding and I still use them now just for formula. I got mine in Sainsburys in a pack of four for about a fiver on offer. They are not the closer to nature ones and are clear with green lids. I also used normal avent bottles and Jake didn't mind but some babies may be fussier.
i am breastfeeding but for a short period when i had thrush i was expressing to feed ellouise...

i used the Tommee tippee closer to nature, the teats react in a similar way the nipple wud

i do recommend them :)
Closer to nature, Tomy Tipee. They are fab.

Only bit of advice I can give other than that is to use the medium flow teats-they come with slow flow but Ruby was sucking that hard she fell asleep and was feeding every 2 hours...swapped to medium flow on advice of midwife and not looked back-she takes full feeds every 4 hours or so xxx
I had masititis and then thrush early on into breastfeeding. So expressed a lot for bout 3 full weeks.

We tried loads of bottles and teats during the time i was expressing, and i found no difference in how my baby took back to breast. He can be a little confused after dad gives him a bottle. But i just take him off and ask him to try again. He gets it right then.

However, he does have his favourite teats, which seem to be the closer to nature, by tommy tippee.
I think these bottles are great for going out with, as you can buy milk dispensers which fit inside them. This way you can still make milk up fresh when you need it, but not waste it if you don't. I breastfeed but really don't trust my boobs. I always take a formula bottle just in case so these ones are perfect. Also the teat has a whole in it, which allows the air to escape, helping to reduce wind and colic. Have found though that the teats are discolouring quickly!

Nuby teats are well liked now coz he can rub his sore gummies on the nuby bits.

Avent ones are the nicest to hold.

Health Check are a waste of money, as are Dr. Brown.

And suprisingly boots own brand are just as good as the named brands!

Hope you find one to suit. I'm sure yr baby won't struggle between the two. MW and HV recommend you don't give yr baby a bottle till breastfeeding is established properly. No mum i have spoken to has said they have had a huge prob, just little confused babies for a bit.
I have a book here that says that babies should have at least 1 bottle before they are 3 weeks old ( preferably of EBM) So that they do not refuse the bottle later on. Then preferably you should give a bottle once every 3 days to ensure they "remember " that way if you need to give them a bottle in an emergency then you can.........

(What to expect when your breastfeeding and what if you can't)
Emma point blank refused to go near any bottle :roll:
Thankyou very much for sharing your feeding experiences with your LO's :) I understand it will be more about what our LO wants rather than what we buy, but thanks to you Mummies I know WHERE to start, if nothing else :lol:

Some real experience advice there, thankyou all, I'm sure I'll let you know how it all goes when we get to that stage :cheer:

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