Break from bf?


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2007
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Well ladies I thought my nipples were healing but they are sore again while feeding and really burn afterwards so I think it must be a yeast infection :(

I have a doctors appointment on Wednesday but until then I just don't want to bf. I've put up with the pain for 2 weeks now and I don't know how because it's been awful.

What will happen to my supply? I will hand express at each feed but you don't get a full feed out that way so I'll have to give him formula and breast milk whenever I have enough for a feed. It will take 2 feeds of hand expessing to get one feed if that makes sense. I'm going to go and buy nipple shields today but I'm not counting on that working much if it's a infection but it might help. If the doc gives me antibiotics if may take a couple of days to clear it.

I'm just thinking, should I take Oliver with me so she can check his mouth? Because I don't see any White spots in his mouth but maybe she will?

Sigh.... Fed up with this now :( I just want to get back into that good routine I had going
:( I'm sorry no advice but I feel really bad for you. I would take him with you just to be sure. I'm sure as long as you keep expressing your supply should be ok. Good luck at the doctors xxx
Id ring your HV this morning to ask their advice. Have you heard of nipple shields? That might be an option. Also using an electric breast pump will be the best bet for your milk supply if youre expressing. SOme areas have ones you can borrow to use short term like in your situation.

If all else fails, if you ring the GP receptionist and explain that youre not able to breast feed until you see a doctor, and youre concerned about your milk supply, youmight get an appointment today.
If all else fails, if you ring the GP receptionist and explain that youre not able to breast feed until you see a doctor, and youre concerned about your milk supply, youmight get an appointment today.

I would do this anyway....hope you're sorted soon! x
My local surgery has 3 doctors, 2 being not very good and one really great doc with 2 children herself. If I ring up for an emergency appointment I'll get one of the crap ones. I've waited a week to see the good doc so don't really want to lose my place seeing her :( the health visitor is ok but very busy and I don't think she would know what was wrong by looking at me (it shouldn't make a diff but she's young with no kids).

Tiny I'm going to buy them today in the meantime to see if it will help but I doubt it will take the burning sensation away after a feed.
:hug: I meant your HV will have good ideas about getting your milk supply going while you wait. Hope youre better soon x
:hug: I meant your HV will have good ideas about getting your milk supply going while you wait. Hope youre better soon x

Oh right sorry! I had an electric breast pump but I can't find it anywhere and it was about £80 - I could really do with it now
The Medela nipple shields are brilliant. They really do make a difference. Try feeding with them, it's not as sore.

Is there any way you can ring the docs, explain the situation and that you want to see the nice doctor, nobody else. You never know, she might be able to fit you in. Oh and definitely take Oliver with you just incase it is thrush. You both need to be treated.

Hopefully the breast shields will help and you won't need to take a break. Sounds awful though, hope you get better soon.

Gem xxx
Just had a brain wave (a minor miracle these days!) but is the doc you want to see the only female doc? Because its about your boobies you can request to see a female doctor and they cant say anything. :yay: I think it would count as urgent so you should get in today.
Just had a brain wave (a minor miracle these days!) but is the doc you want to see the only female doc? Because its about your boobies you can request to see a female doctor and they cant say anything. :yay: I think it would count as urgent so you should get in today.

Well there's 2 ladys and 1 man and the not so good lady tends to be available more for emergency appointments (I guess other people don't find her that good either). But thanks tiny for trying to help :)

Been out to tesco and bought advent nipple shields (that's all they had) and a cheapy tesco manual pump until I find my good one. Just fed him with a shield which definitely helps but it's starting to sting near the end if the feed and when he's finished it will burn again. But still, I'm able to feed him in the meantime which is the main thing.

Rayoflight, I bought more Lansinoh for £10.20 (reluctantly) because I know I have a tube here somewhere lol but cant wait to slap some on!

Feeling much better ladies. Seeing his wee sleepy face after a feed makes me feel so proud that I'm able to give him the milk :) just hope I get the long term problem sorted with antibiotics or something. Thanks again guys x
hey PP I was in agony for a good few days with Matilda but when I left hospital the MW told me to forget the nipple creams I had been using (Camilosan) and get some Lansinoh.... This is a miracle cream. I put it on after every feed and honestly its amazing! I thought I was going to have to give up BF I had nipples like pie crusts and at one point coz I couldnt get her near me with pain the MW thought I had Mastitis again.... try it, it may just help. Its £11 a tube but its sooo worth it... I havelovely nipples again and feeding is
Thanks wilma (cute profile pic). I tried Lansinoh after the first few weeks if feeding because my nipples were cracked and bleeding and it definitey helped. This time though I think I have a blister on my nipple :s so not sure if the cream will get rid of that.
Ok I'm being brave lol here is a picture of my nipple and that White spot isn't milk. It's like a blister or something, I don't knowImageUploadedByTapatalk1302571980.412584.jpg
That doesn't look like vasospasm to me, that does look more like a yeast infection. When C and I had it though it was more of a cracking than a blistering - is the White spot always there? If it disappears a few minutes after feeding then it could be vasospasm, but I think you would have the pain afterwrds rather than when you were feeding. That said though I would get pain for a good 10-15 minutes after the feed as well as during the feed itself.

Sounds like the docs is def the best place, it's a shame you can't see them doctor prescribed a cream called Daktarin. C liked it which helped, it tastes of orange!
Inky it doesn't disappear at all. I think I felt a hard lump again in my boob so it's maybe a blocked duct. 3am and time to tired!
oh dear....I'm sorry it's turning out this way for you, you're doing a fab job though, many would have given up already so well done for persevering :hugs:
I feel for you, I breastfed both of my children and they both made a blister on my nipple, yours doesn't look like a blister, I got a fluid filled little bubble that came up after each feed and would go down in between, after about a week it dried up and didn't come back. The Daktarin someone was talking about is actually available over the counter if you can't wait to see your doctor, (although if that's what you need it'll be frww if they prescribe it). x
ah PP OUCH! Yes that does look painfully sore....ahhh hope you get it sorted asap and can continue BF xxxx

PS Thanks I cant stop taking pics of her lol xxx
You're doing so well PP, hope you find a solution soon!!

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