breach baby


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
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went to mw today and babys breach, she thinks the baby may turn im not convinced. Guess ill have to wait and see. Any ladys breach babys turnt?
Not me personally but my cousin is currently 38 weeks. Her baby was breach at her 32 week appointment but is now the right way around :)
Mine was breech up until my 34 week appt and is now head down xx
Bounce on your ball and lean forward all the time...think this is supposed to help turn the baby but I might be getting confused!!!
Babies can still turn up until 36 weeks when they run out of room so don't give up hope just yet!
Mine was breach and she stayed breach the cheeky monkey

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My little fella is breech too. My mw told me there's still time for him to move, so i'm hopeful but not entirely convinced!

Does anyone know at what point they scan you to see how baby is laying?
thanks loula. The mw said to me they would scan me if it was still breach at 36 weeks before they try and move the baby x
theres still 4 weeks to go, all could change x
Where I am they don't actually tell you baby's position until you are 36 weeks as they don't like to scare women who are carrying breach at 32 weeks as there is every chance baby can move. My mw told me baby was head down but only because I asked her to, she would have done it until 36 week app otherwise. They say that they won't actually worry unless you are still carrying breach at 36 weeks.
Hope yours turns for you :) xx
My Little man has been breech since 16weeks, i am now 33weeks +1 and still breech.
i doubt he will turn as i was told when i had scan yday he hasnt much room to move in there now and hes a big baby weighing 5lbs 9oz atm.

we will see but as hes been breech so long and hes so big i doubt it but we will see.
prob not the safest way but a cat layed on my sisters tummy when she was about 36 weeks and they baby moved. Lol! X
I agree with the others that baby can still move about until 36weeks when things get a bit too tight.

My baby was laying across me at my last appointment, but I'm pretty sure he/she is now either breech or upside down as a lot of kicks/punches are in the ribs. My midwife told me baby can still mvoe around quite a bit at the moment.

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