Braxton Hicks


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2005
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At what stage can braxton hicks start happening? I don't remember experiencing them too bad with my son and it was a lot later on in the pregnancy but for the last few days I have had major tightenings! It doesn't hurt at all so know they are only braxtons but is it normal to get them at my stage? Do they happen sooner on second pregnancies?
Hi, I'm in my first pregnancy and have been getting them since 16 weeks! Everyone is different, some don't get them at all and some get them all the time, which apparently is totally normal :)
I *think* I only got them from 4 days before I had my son....But *think* I have been getting them from a few days ago in this pregnancy.

I say *think* because I am never 100% sure what they are.

They are described as painless tightenings. But a lot of women call pains that have had on here BH, when they think they wre in labour....So, then I get confused!!lol (which believe me, is not difficult!) :D
I've just been reading a week by week guide and for week 28 it said 'You may start experiencing braxton hicks'. I'm sure I read a guide once that said that you can get them from 24 weeks though.
with ds 1 i was 32weeks
with ds 2 i didntget any
and this time i was 24 weeks
I begun having them at 27/28 weeks i can recall getting them at xmas time.

more noticable now :roll: :lol:

I had them very early on in the pregnancy around 10 weeks give or take a few weeks but they were'nt too bad and then went away for a few weeks and I've been getting them again for the last week and they're quite intense sometimes including lower back labour feelings. This is my 4th pregnancy so not sure if that makes any difference or not.

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