Braxton Hicks


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
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What do everyones feel like? I am never sure whether I am having them or not, I get a lot of pains throughout the day, they are generally all different from each other, some are shooting, others are burning, some are stabbing and others are aches!!! I also get tightenings but then think that is just Thomas moving! Anyone else have sich an array of niggles? Also had a nose bleed this morning bit odd as this is the first proper one I have had, my nose is generally bloody when I blow and has been since day 1 but this was a lot different!!!
I get a lot of pains & niggles in the bottom of my bump, I get a lot of back ache & stiffness, and I also get that tightening feeling - usually at the bottom of my bump...... :?

I also get the feeling she is burrowing down and heading towards the light.......that feels like period pain mixed with pressure.

Oh the joys eh? :hug:
that all sounds a lot like me!!!! I keep telling teej to head towards the light!! :rotfl:

I'm getting to the point where I want her out now.....not getting impatient just yet, just a bit uncomfortable :|

C's mum has told him this morning that he should massage me everyday to help with the niggles so I'm looking forward to that :wink: I sometimes massage my bump in a downwards direction in a hope to encourage her out :lol:
I'm getting te niggles and sharp paind above my pubic bone...M/W said that's lo starting to engage.

I'm getting impatient, I want to be able to walk properly again without being stared at! :oops:

I've been a bouncing on that ball,trying to encourage him down :wink:
With jaycee i had tightenings and pains from 30 weeks, this one was 28 weeks and they are stronger! :shock:
Oh the joys :roll:
i still don't know whether the pains I get are braxton hicks or whether they are just your run of the mill pains!!
If the pains are at the time of tightenings then they are BH. If not then just normal stretching and moving pains :hug:

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