Braxton hicks or Contractions?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2007
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Hi, i was just wondering if someone could remind me what contractions were like lol.

I know braxton hicks are tightenings and not painfull but tonight i was getting them very frequent 5,6,3,5,4,6 mins apart for example and when i had one i had pain low down across under my belly button that increased with the tightening and then eased. It seemed moreso when i was sat down rather than standing.

Also my baby has been quite a wriggler lately and last night i hadn't felt it move much, not today, i was going to ring my midwife and maybe get checked but i have felt it a few times just not so strong or as much as normal, if its still quiet tomorrow i'll get checked.

Also this morning i got up at 10am :oops: then about 11.15 felt all funny like light headed, sick, weak and shaky so i went back to bed from 11.30 till 1.30 :shock:

I have been getting aches really low down today and it gets painfull when i move around a lot.

Do you think these were BH or Contx's? should i get in touch with my midwife? i've checked babys HB on doppler and it seems ok.

I'm pretty sure i was getting painfull contx's or BH's the other night as i was aware of them thru the night and kept feeling my tummy.

With my others i have always been late but this time i have this mental thing about being early for some reason, even my mum said its like a panic i'm going to have it early :shock:

any help much appreciated, thanks
Hi hun, BHs arent normally that frequent so it may be worth getting checked out, ring your MW or labour ward and ask them for some advice. To be honest I think they will ask you to go in for monitoring to check everything, im sure you'll be fine tho but best to get checked out :)
Thanks happy chic, they seemed to have eased up a bit now and bubs has moved a bit more, gonna see what happens over tonight/tomorrow and prob give her a ring dinnertime.
as you have a doppler yourself.. i would just say have a lay down and listen when baby gets quiet.. as they go through regular sleep patterns now..i mean you know what labor feels like.. and shouldnt have to stress out unless you are having seriously strong contractions.. (to get a 34 week baby out its gonna hurt quite a bit) if u can hear hb.. and feel movments, and the contractions go and dont carry on.. get closer and more painfull then i would say they are bh's.. and you only need to worry n get urself off to hospital if ur in agony.. or ur waters break?

p.s my bhs have hurt.. and when looked into it.. there arent many sites that say bhs are usually painfree.. however u can get an aching back with them etc...
Hope you are feeling better today. Might see you down there :roll: as i have had a rough night.

how are you today? hope things have settled ok :hug:

How are you Ellie?
I've had really frequent BH's recently... they're not painful so to say, but they can be quite uncomfortable, and the pain you describe around the belly button is where I find it most uncomfortable... If I get up and walk around they ease off.. Its more a dull achy feeling to them than contractions... sort of like period pain, but then I don't really consider that pain as such more uncomfortableness.

The only reason I haven't called my mw or run to the hospital yet is because I remember quite clearly that my contractions with Tia.. HURT!!! and they hurt a lot from the first one to the last... and it was very obvious something was different. :roll:

At 34 weeks try not to worry... as Lisa said... the baby is as big as it's going to be really (just shy an inch or so) but it just doesn't have the fat that they need to regulate their body heat well.. then it's going to be painful contractions that lead to labour... :hug:

As for the frequency, HappyChick is also right... BH aren't that frequent, so maybe a little chat with your MW might make you feel better :)
how are you ellie? when have they booked ur section hun?
My BH were my whole belly tightening but it didn't hurt! My contractions DID but it hurt much lower down like getting period pains and also I had backache low down. My mum phoned me and asked which bit hurt and I said "All of it, I can't talk now!" which was a good sign that I was in proper labour! :rotfl:
lisa&alex said:
how are you ellie? when have they booked ur section hun?

Am trying to stay calm. My BH are almost every 5 minutes and bump is doing a conga for one inside me. Have a provisional date of NYE but have my next scheduled scan 17th and then they will judge again.

Consultants on Friday were saying that they think it will be brought forward with bump starting to engage and amount of discomfort and BH i am having.
Thanks Girls.

The bh's have settled, still get the odd one now and again but no pain with them like last night. To be honest i really thought last night things were about to start but eased off luckily. Its weird isn't it how you can't remember what the contrx's feel like again till they actually start.

I've got my midwife on thursday so will ask then, in the mean time i'll keep checking with my doppler etc, if i get worried i'llring my midwife.

ELLIED - just text you hun :hug:

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