bottles of milk???!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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for those who dont kno, i BF for 8 months, then suddenly switched to formula, started 3 bottles a day at first but after only a week or two dropped to just two as she was on 3 solid meals a day by then.

by around 10 months she'd stopped taking very much of her bedtime bottle- only 50ml if that sometimes- on a "good" day she'd take 150ml or something, whereas the morning one (full 8-scoop one) she always polished off.

the last box of formula ran out a few weeks before her first birthday (which is today as u can see!) and have moved her onto cows' milk, but she's become so uninterested in bedtime milk lately that i havent been bothering with it, when i have she's not even touched it, she pushes the beaker or bottle away from her face :lol: she's still been drinking all her morning bottle tho before breakfast.

well, this morning she left a bit, about 100ml or so. and she slept in til 8am, so it was nearly breakie time anyway.

just wondering if i can stop bothering with bottles now altogether? if i do that should i give milk with meals instead of water or juice?

who else gives morning and/or bedtime bottles after their babies first birthdays?
mine is 20 months and he has his bottle of milk before bedtime. its still routine at the mo, he drinks from a cup all day long
jayde just has a bottle of milk before bed but only drinks about 4 oz she drinks loads of juice through the day though
She does still need to have a good pint of full fat milk a day, or the equivilent in cheese/yoghurt etc to make sure she's getting enough calcium. DD still has a cup of milk in the morning and before bed now and she's nearly 2.5.

DS has a bottle at approx 6-7am (8oz), a bottle with his nap (8oz) and a bottle at bedtime (a good 8oz) but he loves his milk.
Matilda still has a bottle in the mornings, 61/2 oz which she dosnt always finish and a bottle before bed, again 61/2 oz. i've still got her on formula though. I have tried her with 'milk' as well in the mornings. maybe try giving it to her a bit later??????

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