Bottle feeding question


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2008
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Hi all :wave:

My little girl is 6 days old, i was juist wondering how often does/did your LO feed when newborn?

Im trying to give her 3 ounces every 3 hours and in the day time thats what she has but at night she sometimes goes 4 and a half or 5 hours before she wakes up for a feed, so im wondering should i wake her every 3/3 and a half hours as im worried shes starving! :oops: i have been setting my alarm to get me up to wake and feed her as she wont wake me lol! do you think i should just leave her till she cries to be fed, or wake her up to feed her?

thanks in advance :) xx
Personally I would leave her! I think I hurd somewhere that newborns are not meant to go to long without food... but im not sure on that one.

Still, you hear or very young babies sleeping thru the night, so I shudnt think a week old baby going 4-5 hours is going to be bad for her.

She is learning day and night very early... I think your lucky to be getting such a chunk of sleep! :) Id enjoy it if I were u!
i would also leave her, she will soon let you know when she is hungry.
You should consider yourself lucky that your lil girl is sleeping in block hours through the night instaed of waking every two lucky devil you :shakehead: unlike my boobie baby beast
Congratulations on your little girl :hug:

When Tom was newborn i was advised not to let him go over 3 hours every feed because he was very tiny, but if you have a normal size baby then i'd leave her, she'll let you know when she's hungry!
Huddsgirl said:
You should consider yourself lucky that your lil girl is sleeping in block hours through the night instaed of waking every two lucky devil you :shakehead: unlike my boobie baby beast

I agree! Jessica is also waking every 2 hours (and has manged to get day and night reversed I think!) She wakes up, I give her one side, wind her, change her nappy, give her the other side, wind her and lay her down and then have about an hour to try and get some sleep before she wakes again! :roll:

If she is putting on weight and is well in herself I would leave her and enjoy the sleep! :hug:
Julie84 said:
Huddsgirl said:
You should consider yourself lucky that your lil girl is sleeping in block hours through the night instaed of waking every two lucky devil you :shakehead: unlike my boobie baby beast

I agree! Jessica is also waking every 2 hours (and has manged to get day and night reversed I think!) She wakes up, I give her one side, wind her, change her nappy, give her the other side, wind her and lay her down and then have about an hour to try and get some sleep before she wakes again! :roll:

If she is putting on weight and is well in herself I would leave her and enjoy the sleep! :hug:

Well your doing so well then!! i tried to BF but had alot of probs, she was feeding for up to an hour at a time :shock: then resting for half hour then feeding again, she wasnt getting any milk and i felt i was starving her :oops: wich is why gave in and switched to bottles. it was just too demanding for me and i hadnt slept due to the long labour, well done for not giving up even tho shes feeding every hour :shock: ur doing so well hun!
She was admitted to hospital at 2 days old because she was really poorly and we ended up staying for 4 days while she was having intravenous antibiotics and lots of tests so I had little else to do but feed (and cry :oops: ).

Amelia is gorgeous and the picture of health so bottle is obviously doing a brilliant job for her and letting you recover too. :hug: Must be something about being due on the 28th December to make such naughty babies that worry their mummies! :wink:
aww im so glad she is ok and ur home now! bet its such a releif :hug:

I know i do feel lucky that she is healthy! i cant beleiv were mummies now its soo odd lol!

She is a beauty too! loved the pics.

yeah she seems alot more content on the bottle and at least i know she is getting milk now so i am not sat here all night in tears with worry that im starving her :oops:

yes they are naughty girls!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxx
Macey settled into a 4 hourly pattern from the day she was born, she was 11lb 4 so i dont think she needed as much food as other babies, i am sure she will wake you if she is hungry and as long as she is feeding ok during the day and putting on weight then dont worry
Raf is 6 weeks old now, so he's not really newborn but still I can see your dilemma.
When he was first born I went by all the books and woke him to bed fed every 3 or 4 hours, and then worried when he didn't drink that much - in heindsight it was probably because he was too full from all the feeding!
From about 2 weeks old I fed Raf as and when he wanted it and it has worked out really well for us.
Hi all ,
My 13 weeks old baby was taking 120 ml every 3hours then he had thrush in his mouth and he started fussing at bottles which is understandable. but Now the thrush is gone (remained for 2 weeks) and he is having his feeds after 6hours and sometimes with all my efforts he wont take his bottle until 10hours.10 hours is way too long period for a baby without feeding.I have spoken to doctors and health visitors but they say it's OK:(. Well I can't see my baby not having anything for 10hours.Please help me here
Have you tried waking your baby after 3/4 hours to see if he's hungry? Does he take the milk if you wake him? I think maybe his appetite has gone a bit after having thrush (my bay currently has it so i'm getting scattered feeding right now!)

sorry just seen that you try but to no effect. I'm not sure what suggest hun apart from
keep trying to wake him, hopefully he'll get his feeding back soon xx
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