bottle feeding- best position?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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just in case i havent gone on about it enough ( :lol: ) i stopped BFing nearly 2 weeks ago. and millie-pops only ever had milk straight from a boob i never bothered with expressing etc so im just learning how to bottle-feed really. what i wanna kno is, what position do u hold ur babies in? millie seems to wanna sit up for it, but in order to fill the teat i have to really tip her head back especially when the bottle is half empty. and when i lie her down (so shes reclining but not flat) in the crook of my arm she tries to sit up and stuff. not sure why- when i was BFing she stayed there until she'd finished- so am i doing it wrong?

how do u bottle feed ur LO's?
cheesy old picture, but sort of like this :) except I hold ihm on the other arm and do it the other way round

Thats how I hold imogen as well, but when were in bed she just lays diwn and lets me feed her like that.
leckershell said:
cheesy old picture, but sort of like this :) except I hold ihm on the other arm and do it the other way round


Exactly how I hold Daniel, except that I have a pillow under my right arm :hug:
My baby will not sit on your knee anymore and has to be fed in her bouncer chair, she is so active it is a complete nightmare trying to get her to sit still!
Another way is for you to sit upright and have her also sitting quite upright on your lap but facing away from you on your chest (so the back of her head is kind of inbetween your boobs!) You can then easily hold the bottle infront of her and you won't get a sore arm!

If you need to then tilt the bottle up more as she drinks just lie back a bit.
thanx ladies. shell thats the position i try, but she wont stay! lol she tries to sit up and wriggles, which she never did when BFing she'd be really still which is why i thought i might be doing it wrong! sunnyday, i might try that one next what u said.
im sure we'll get the hang of it soon!
Well she's 8 months now...why not try and give her her milk in a sippy cup instead :) That way she can sit up and feed herself :) and its better for her teeth in the long run
Squiglet said:
Well she's 8 months now...why not try and give her her milk in a sippy cup instead :) That way she can sit up and feed herself :) and its better for her teeth in the long run

Yes maybe she is ready for that. In the evenings /night time I feed LO like the others too because she is half asleep but in the day time she likes to sit up. Sometimes I give her the bottle when she is in her bouncer (chair not door :wink: ) as she is more upright or she sits upright leaning on my chest and drinks like that. She can't really hold it by herself yet but I am trying to move her onto a sippy cup for the day time soon.

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