Bottle feeding at hospital


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2016
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So I've bought some of the aptimil pre-made sterile bottles with the teats as I'm not going to breastfeed but I've read that the hospital won't discharge you until they've seen you prepare a proper bottle with powder etc so does that mean I have to take bottles and formula??

Also someone told me their midwife didnt recommend the pre-made bottles as baby will find it hard to adjust to a different teat when you change to normal bottles? Anybody had this problem??

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Hmm, none of that is ringing true to me...

With my daughter (albeit was 6 years ago!), they provided the pre made up bottles, so I just used them. Although they would only give you one at a time, so it felt like I was constantly asking for another one!
They never checked I could make up a bottle or anything like that, and they didn't once home (think you get a home visit 24 hrs after discharge or something like that). Daughter seemed to transition fine, as far as I can remember.
I think it's a subject people can get quite emotive on, and I was worried I would get more pressure to breast feed, but they generally just left me alone, lol!

I'm planning on bottle feeding again, so will just go prepared with the made up bottles this time, as the hospital have stopped supplying them!
I started breast feeding with my first, but when my colostrum finished, my breast milk didn't come in, so starred using formula. We hadn't planned on it, so hadn't bought anything! The hospital just provided us with ready made SMA and we were discharged. The first bottle I made up was at home. I think the midwives/hv went through it when they came for a home visit, but we'd been doing it for a few days by then.
Nope you just need ready made ones at hospital they don't check anything. My two boys started out on eadyvmsde then went to powder at home. I saw no differences in them changing between the two
May be different here in Scotland, but both times I was offered the pre made formula with separate teats.

Both had no issues transitioning to bottles although Carter doesnt like round teats. The separate teats aren't round he likes the more pinched teat. We use mam now.

I'd ring your maternity unit and ask what they provide and what you are to provide. That way you aren't over filling your bag with things they have. Eg my ward had little bowls and cotton wool balls for bathing.

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Thanks ladies, I'm seeing midwife today so I will ask her.
My hospital suggest you bring ready made if you want to ff as it is easier.

I wanted to try bf so didn't bring any, my little dude needed formula top upsthe first night and they just provided me with some ready made. The lady in the bed next to me who wanted to ff had to provide her own, she had the ready made bottles too.
Spoke to midwife and she said the premade bottles are fine I don't need to take spare bottles/formula as well! They don't need to see you make a bottle up so no need for them xx
I didn't have to show I could make a bottle and that was 3 1/2 years ago so I'm glad it hasn't changed.
I will say I had a nightmare with trying to change teats after. I had bought tommee tippee bottles and the teats are obviously completely different. Took me half a day to realise why she wasn't taking a bottle. Ended up with NUK bottles as they are very similar to the pre-made. My friend used pre-made then went onto different teats no problem so I think I just had a fussy baby.
Hope this helps if you have any issues x
Prob just a hit or miss with teats isn't it. My first didn't bother and had TT. My second didn't like the round teats he preferred the more pinched shape. Xx

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