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Boss Rant


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2008
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My boss at work is making me miserable :( He always talks down to me, calls me thick .etc. Im the first to admit i am a bit ditzy but one thing i know i am not is thick. Before I left work today a stack of papers fell of one of my co workers desk and he starts shouting at me to put it away and "sort myself out". What the fuck like...My desk is the other end of the room! I didnt say anything because...well im me :( I think thats why he always does it, im an easy target who wont say anything back so he talks to me like shit. I know your bosses at work are there to tell you what to do, but surely they should show you some respect? I dont know whether im over reacting because of hormones or whatever? I cant go back there after maternity leave i just cant but we need the money :( I was having such a good day until about an hour ago aswell, having a laugh with you lot on the McDs thread :lol: Thanks for reading.
You so shouldnt be made to feel like that at your work at all hun :shakehead: I used to have a boss like that and he was a complete d*ck - I never actually stood up for myself and ended up just leaving. Now that I have a proper boss I can see how badly I was treated. There's no way they should be able to get away with it! - I know saying that you need to stand up for yourself and say something is definitely 'easier said than done' as I know I couldnt :( Sorry Im terrible with advice - Have a great big hug :hug: xx
Thank You, i really need one :( :hug: Why did he have to ruin a perfectly good friday
Aw hunny that's crap x it's definitely not on to have a boss that treats you like that, it's not just you being hormonal, although sure that makes it more upsetting right now! Seriously you should try and stand up to him a bit more, but I understand it's not always that easy. Anyway, it's the weekend now so forget about horrid work and relax :hug:
Thank You :hug: i am deffo gonna try and stand up to him more, big stupid poo poo head that he is (or i could just do something to his tea to make me feel better :rotfl:)
Laurababs said:
Thank You :hug: i am deffo gonna try and stand up to him more, big stupid poo poo head that he is (or i could just do something to his tea to make me feel better :rotfl:)
haha do something to his tea, i would :rotfl: you should stand up for yourself though, you can say what you what to a certain point then blame it on the hormones :rotfl:
What he's doing is illegal, threaten to sue the ******* for all he's worth!!! Bloody cheek, how dare he speak to you that way. I hate employers like that, they obviously don't think they're important enough.

louears said:
haha do something to his tea, i would :rotfl: you should stand up for yourself though, you can say what you what to a certain point then blame it on the hormones :rotfl:

Definitely!!! Some exlax in his tea....that'll shut him up :rotfl:

Sending you loads of these :hug:
Laurababs said:
Thank You, i really need one :( :hug: Why did he have to ruin a perfectly good friday

Possibly payday perhaps or maybe its the time of the month for him, or maybe he's sexually frustrated - hasn't had it in months :rotfl: , sod him anyhow, u should have a look for another job when your off on your maternity - when you get ur feet on the ground off course after havin the baby, let him treat someone else like crap -

u should flash ur big sparkler of a ring at him and say "hey mr i'll get my fiance for you" :lol: :lol:
calls me thick

How fucking dare he. How dare anyone refer to anyone in this manner. I think you need to begin to write a diary of what your boss is saying and start to go through the proper channels and complain. It's a really hard thing to do, but no one, ever has the right to treat you like that. You go to work to earn money and do what you got to do. That's it, not to take abuse.

Argh! He's made me so angry, God knows how he makes you feel.

Hugs hun xxx :hug:

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