Borrowing money from friends - would you?


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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I was emailing my firend this morning (she is my best buddie we have been mates since we were 4yrs old!) anyway I said that I thought I'd have to go see my Dad and ask for some money as we have a wedding this weekend and B's wages are delayed this month and wont clear til the 20th, when they usually go in on the 15th....

anyway me friend emailed me back saying she could lend me the money as she knows that the relationship between me and my dad isnt great.

I know it sounds silly as I could give her a cheq or transfer the money straight away... but isnt there some sort of unwritten rule in not lending/borrowing money from friends?

She is fine with it and it would save a WHOLE LOT of hassel from my Dad?!?!?!
I dont see any harm in it as long as you know your money is definately coming in on a certain date and you pay her back straight away!!
I think its fine as long as you have a date in mind to pay her back and she knows what it is.

I think its when people borrow things and the lending party dont know when they will get it back that the tension arises!

If it would save family hassle I think your mate would be a better bet!
Aww thanks. She knows I would give her the money back on the 20th.

Ahhhh... the hassel B's work has caused!!
I laways borrow from my friends :) I'm a very honest person though, and they know they'll always get it back,

Although my Gran says 'neither a borrower or a lender be',

but... she also says things like 'love a duck' and other silly phrases, so make of that what you will :rotfl:
I dont see no reason why you cant borrow until the 20th as long as you can 110% definatly give it back on date you say so.

:hug: :dance:
I've emailed back and she is going to lend it to me and I have organised with my internet banking for the money to go back to her on the 20th!

I dont know why I feel strange about it... it's just one of those unwritted rules... like not to go with a friends ex or something! :roll:
I know what you mean, but its just a one off, I am sure your friend isn't even thinking twice about it!

And it's only 9 days after all! :wink:

We have a few friends we borrow money from i think its okay as long as you have a good relationship and the trust is there.
We always pay them back :)
Its nice when friends help when your in need and im sure yoiu would do the same if it was the other way around
I think that unwritten rule is because sometimes when you lend money you don't get it back, we loaned (3 years ago) just over £2k to 'friends' and guess what you'd think we were their worst enemy now...we've lost that money that's for certain and would never loan friends money again, well a fiver for a round of drinks perhaps but never money to tide them over till the next pay cheque etc, I guess once you have been burned type thing! However I do know if anyone loaned us money we'd be so restless and feel uneasy till we paid them back so I suppose it's hit and miss really and a few pounds for a wedding etc is certinally different to a few thousand.
Nicola said:
I think that unwritten rule is because sometimes when you lend money you don't get it back, we loaned (3 years ago) just over £2k to 'friends' and guess what you'd think we were their worst enemy now...we've lost that money that's for certain and would never loan friends money again, well a fiver for a round of drinks perhaps but never money to tide them over till the next pay cheque etc, I guess once you have been burned type thing! However I do know if anyone loaned us money we'd be so restless and feel uneasy till we paid them back so I suppose it's hit and miss really and a few pounds for a wedding etc is certinally different to a few thousand.

I haven't spoken to one of my friends in 2 years because her and her OH wouldn't pay me back money they owed (we needed it as OH was between jobs and had very little income). It wasn't the fact they didn't have the money in full, I said just pay me back a tenner a month which is soooo NOT unreasonable, but still no. They ended up giving me a cheque whih kept bouncing, so I kept putting it in the bank so that they'd get £35 bank charges each time coz I'm a b*tch!!
i only really lend money of my mum, some times if my mates want me to go out with them but i say i cant afford it they will lend me £50 to get me to go out and i just pay them back with in a month - when i ge paid

i dont think there is any thing wrong with it

althoguh i dont lend to my friends - they cant be trusted

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