Borderline for GD


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2010
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Hi girls,

Just got my GTT results back and I had reading of 8.4 after 2 hours! She said it's borderline for Gest Diabetes and told me to cut out the sugar. Their cut of is 8.5 so it's really close. She said they will prob check me again at 36 weeks to see if there is any change. I've never had any glucose in my urine tests so far either, so maybe it just a fluke! My blood sugar was very unstable with my daughter but I was ok with my son, maybe it's because I crave sugar with the girls!

Anyone had GD or a similar reading, what do they do? What should I be eating to help? Or not as the case may be! I reckon it's the sugary drinks I've been drinking!
It could well be the sugary drinks, I've heard about others drinking lots of coke and getting it. Best thing is to maybe do a food diary for a couple of days then see what it could be. There are lots of hidden sugars in things as well so might be worth checking labels on things.
white carbs like white bread, pasta etc affect your sugar levels as they convert to glucose in your body so change white carb for wholemeal, wholewheat etc etc. Diet fizzy drinks can also affect as they have artificial sweetener in it
The midwife just said eat stuff like pasta and brown bread - I assume she means wholewheat pasta not the White stuff. She said my fasting levels were fine just high after the glucose drink x

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