Boots electric breast pump


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2006
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Hi ladies,

I've been looking all over the internet for reviews of the Boots own electric breast pump, but can't seem to find any! I was hoping maybe some of you who have one could offer your experiences? Is this a good pump, and a good alternative to the pricy Avent one?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance girls!

I tried this one and didn't get on with it at all, it was horrible :( The best one I've had is the medela swing, it's more expensive but worth every penny in my opinion :)
I had a boots electric breast pump... I swear it tried to rip my boob off.. :shock: But seemingly it's quite common with electric ones and the hand ones, although take longer, tend to be less aggressive because you can regulate how much you express...
Phew, thanks for the feedback guys! We actually went out last week to buy a pump and ended up getting the boots one. When we came back we searched all over the internet and couldn't find any feedback at all - hence why I asked here... I am happy to say the pump is now safely returned to Boots, with my boobs still intact! We decided to fork out on the (v. expensive I think!) Avent electric pump as it has had a lot of good feedback.

Thanks again ladies, you are absolute stars all of you!

Squiglet said:
I had a boots electric breast pump... I swear it tried to rip my boob off.. :shock: But seemingly it's quite common with electric ones and the hand ones, although take longer, tend to be less aggressive because you can regulate how much you express...

That's what happened to me! It grabbed my nipple, sucked it in and didn't let it back out. I swear to god my poor nipple was the size of a wine cork by the time I got it free. Makes me wince just thinking about it, I thought it was going to detatch :shock:

Good luck with your new pump Tulip :)
Oh no! I've bought one of these, just the look of it scares me...

But after hearing all your horrer stories, I'm now seriously worried! Surely someone has something good to say about it?

I don't have the receipt - shall I risk it or ditch it?
i have snowbear electric pump off ebay.. think they are selling for about 20 quid inc p&p the great thing aobut it is that its small so you can take it with you if you need to.. and its battery and electric, and.. it has adjustable suction depending on your needs.. fingers crossed it works :)
Katie Ann said:
Oh no! I've bought one of these, just the look of it scares me...

But after hearing all your horrer stories, I'm now seriously worried! Surely someone has something good to say about it?

I don't have the receipt - shall I risk it or ditch it?

As you've already bought it and chances of taking it back are minimal I suggest you give it a go and see how you get on with it. If you really don't get on with it either then I can highly recommend the medela swing :)

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