Booking in scan

that's great!

When is your exact due date now? Mine is 13th April
exact date is now 11th april so one day before the date they set. I can't wait, am just looking at some maternity clothes, I feel it is time I stopped squashing the baby, I know people say you shouldn't show yet, my clothes are definitely tight!! And there is no point being uncomfortable!
Ahh how cute that pic is I have my scan in the morning, I am nervous!

congrats hun! x
hey missac, congrats on your scan, its amazing seeing the baby on screen isnt it :D .
Sorry if im being nosey but couldnt help notice you had your scan done at WHCCC Forfar, do you live there? Its ok if you dont want to tell, i was just wondering cos my parents live there (im in dundee with the OH). I didnt know you could get antenatals scan done up at whitehills, thought everything was done at ninewells. Ah well there you go learn something new every day eh :) .
Glad everything went well, lovely scan pic hun really pleased for you x x :D
glad everything went ok hun like your scan piccy have my scan on 5 oct am exicted and nervous xxxx

Thats great hun, i was like you and at 3 months was wearing maternity clothes i grew very very fast
awww gorgeous piccy, glad all went well x
Hello, I loved having the scan!

Busted! I live in Letham and have all my scans and stuff at whitehills, it is lovely there as it is new and not very busy, that is why they let me have a ten week scan just for the hell of it!
I'm due 13th now so we've both moved a day, you forward and me back!

Don't worry about the maternity clothes, I've been in them for about 4 weeks!

I am massive...midwife says it's normal as not my first pg and my uterus may stretch a little further as it was really stretched with twinnies.

Apparently my baby will have a lot of room to move :D

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