booking in and scan


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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hi all

i got my booking in and scan date today, its for the 19th of july. coz of my period dates they think im 7 weeks now which would make me 11 weeks at teh scan date.

but im sure im only 4 or 5 weeks, whcih will make me 8 or 9 weeks at the scan date.

im not sure what to do, i phoned to tell them im not as far gone as they think but the woman said they can do dateing scans from 8 weeks onwards, but, and i know this is selfish, i dont want a scan then coz i will get a crap picture lol

do i leave it as it is? or do i phone and try to rearange it for 2 weeks later?

i would have thought they would be reluctant to change it since your unsure of dates isnt it better to go and get it done anyway? My friend had one at 10 weeks and it was a little blob with arms and legs! but its still gonna be special to you
Id stick with it as it is babe, at least you will get to know that your baby is healthy, and there is one (or two?) lol, and that all is ok. You will get another scan at 12 weeks anyway wont you so you will get a good piccie then?? Its really up to you but if it was me id have a scan as soon as poss :dance:
That was the same for me hun,went along for my 12 week nuchal scan and it turned out i was only 10 weeks so had to go back for another scan two weeks later so got extra pics :D.
yeah i will leave it at that date, at least i get to see exactly how far goine i am and given a defo due date.

I way only 8 weeks 2 days at scan, was a bit gutted at first when I got letter as I didnt think I would see much, but as you can see from my avatar and ticker piccie, the scan was dead clear, and I could see the heart beat and bean was moving about, it was beautiful...

To be honest, I was glad after as I didnt believe I was pregnant, I had convinced myself there was nothing in there, so it defo put my mind at rest, and I have been so chilled and laid back ever since, everyone in work is amazed by how chilled I am!!! 8) :lol: xxx
What about saying you OH has booked you a holiday as a surprise, so you wont be able to make the scan and tell them when you would like it and be able to make it. Its only a little white lie hehe
Good luck Layla, I am sure you will be tickled pink whatever week you have your scan!

If you are further on, that means you have left the popular week in Feb for giving birth :cry: xx

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