Book that everyone should read


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2007
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Hi guys,

There is a fantastic book that really helped us get through the first year. Lots of the posts on here are about LOs suddenly being cranky, changing their sleep habits etc and this book tells you why and when to expect it. It's called "The Wonder Weeks" and I have recommended it to all of my friends. I found it so helpful when Q was being really grumpy, feeding every hour and not sleeping to know that this was just one of his developmental phases and that it would pass in a couple of weeks.
I posted about this in product reviews, funny you should mention it! It's a Dutch book called "Oei, ik groei" (Oh! I'm growing!) my sister in law lent me and I'd been reading it since Becky was born. I only recently found out it had an English version so now I'm no longer struggling to read it :lol:

I think it's very different to other books I've read - sometimes it's like reading a diary written by my own child! It's definitely worth a read. The English version is now out of print but still available from Amazon.
WE have this and it is fab!

Just finished the 37week wonder week so got a few calm weeks to come 8)
I bought this book after seeing this post and i'm so glad i did! You're right everyone should have it. Lily is going though the 12 week wonder now and i'm so much more relaxed about it because i know its normal and will pass soon.
Thank you!!!!!

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