booby feeding help!


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2008
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hi mummies :wave:

ok i gave birth 3 days ago baby is fine and all is well. i just need abit of advise about breastfeeding.
iv been breastfeedin since she was born i find it quite hard 2 latch her on she will start cryin and i will get stressed, but eventually we will get latched on. is it normal 4 it 2 be quite painfull when they first latch on then ease off during the feed.

also summer sometimes only feeds 4 15mins then wont want another 4 about 4 hours shud i wake her 4 a feed?

and now my milk is coming in and my boobs feel like they are gonna drop off lol

i really didnt think breastfeedin wud b so difficult so any advice wud b appriciated

thank u :hug:

Congrats on the birth of your little girl :D

I remember in the early days i sometimes used to have OH help me latch her on, so yes its normal for her to fuss and find it hard to latch. In time she will be a pro and will easily latch on.

Yes you may find it a little sore/painful in the first week or so as your nipples have to get used to having a baby attached to them. As long as the pain subsides as you feed and isnt ongoing throughout the feed, if it does last then maybe get your latch checked.
Get yourself kitted out with some nipple cream - Lanisoh is great.

Calleigh would sleep for about four hours between each feed and i remember standing over her basket willing her to wake as my milk had come in and i desperately needed her to relieve the pressure :?
Your milk should settle down once you are over the initial milk coming in period.

When baby is feeding if she falls asleep at the breast gently tickle her feet/cheek to rouse her and she may take more milk. In the early days i wouldnt leave her without a feed for more than 3/4 hours.

Sounds like you are doing a fab job hun :D
ooo you can go into the mummies and baby feeding section now ;)

Theres loads and loads of people going through the same thing.

It all sounds normal in terms of feeding. It is hard in those first few weeks but I find now that bottle feeding would be such a trial. I don't have to sterilise bottles or worry about how when where to make bottles... I just whop a booby out and stick it in lil miss' head :lol: There are lots of trials with breast feeding but I love the sense of closeness I get when breast feeding lil miss and know no one in the world but me has ever shared that with my little girl. :hug: :hug: :hug:
thank u 4 ur help hun,
its nice 2 know what im doing is ok its just a hurdle u gotta get over i guess. summer is feedin as i type this bless her i know it hurts and stuff but there is nothin better then watchin ur LO feed from u. i deff want 2 stick with breast 4 at least 6months

hey hun. am moving this to the feeding section as I think you would get more replies there. There is also a breastfeeding support thread to, as there are a few people going through the same thing. Sounds like you are doing great, I found Cally started feeding more once my milk came in.
oooh Squiglet i forgot about the feedin section maybe i shud of posted this there.
thank u 4 ur reply hun, i honestly thought it wud b alot easier then it is but in sayin that nothin about havin a baby is easy lol.
dunno if il hav another i always said i want 3 but i think the birth is still fresh in my mind lol xx
It sounds like you have the right attitude, you have to be really stubborn.

The milk coming in is uncomfy, but it wont last long.

Latching takes a while when you both get used to it, but it does get easier, and yes (yes yes yes) it does hurt at the beginning, again, it does get better! (My LO sucked my little finger when crying once, I was surprised how hard her suck is, and now I'm not surprised it hurts to BF).

And, I so know what you mean about having more. I could be pregnant again (mine was easy) I could give birth again (not quite to plan, but it wasn't all that bad) but looking after another newborn... I'll see how I feel in a year or so! Hah
I'm going through a smiliar thing at the moment! Feeding at times can be a huge struggle with Evie and she had a tongue tie etc which went undetected for a few weeks which WRECKED my nipples. :wall: Anyway, because we went for 3 weeks with her not latching properly, my nipples are agony and are very slowly getting better.

Personally, I would double check with your MW or HV that baby's tongue is ok because tongue ties can be common but deadly when it comes to BF!! :(

Also, YouTube "babies latching" it came up with loads of videos which help loads! Kellymom is also a great site for breastfeeding help!

If you are determined and really WANT to breastfeed, that's the first and most important part in order to be successful with it.

Good luck! Keep us updated and use lots of Lansinoh cream to avoid your nipples cracking! xx
Sounds like you are doing great to me, look back on this thread in a couple of weeks and you will wonder what you were worried about, the first few weeks are the toughest by far, but it gets soooooooo much easier once you both get the hang of it :D
I agree with everyone else. You are doing brilliantly. Motherhood is one learning curve, breastfeeding is a whole other. I thought it was a 'whip your boob out and feed' type job. Easy! But no. Once you have mastered the latching and your milk supply settles you will love it. The first couple of weeks are the hardest, but by week 6 it should be a breeze.
skyraaa said:
oooh Squiglet i forgot about the feedin section maybe i shud of posted this there.
thank u 4 ur reply hun, i honestly thought it wud b alot easier then it is but in sayin that nothin about havin a baby is easy lol.
dunno if il hav another i always said i want 3 but i think the birth is still fresh in my mind lol xx

I'm sure that the whole breast feeding fights are preparation for when your kid is older and refuses to clean their room and do their homework... so after begging, pleading, asking, telling, shouting... you don't throttle them... :roll:
Squiglet said:
I'm sure that the whole breast feeding fights are preparation for when your kid is older and refuses to clean their room and do their homework... so after begging, pleading, asking, telling, shouting... you don't throttle them... :roll:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


Everything you have described sounds totally normal- My OH used to help me latch Kathryn- now I just put he in the vicinity and she latches herself! (she is 6 months old though!)

That toe-curling pain that lasts for a little while when you first feed should vanish after a few weeks- I think I stopped feeling it after 3 or 4 weeks.

Waking your baby to feed- that;s totally your choice. I did because my LO was sleeping for up to 5 hours at a time in the day but was up eevry 2 hours in the night if I was lucky! I wanted to get more milk into her during the day so would wake her every 2 hours to feed.

Well done for breast feeding- this is the place to come for advice- It has helped me no end and has given me the confidence to stick with breastfeeding to 6 months and beyond. It is SOOO tough in the early weeks but it gets easier. As for your boobs dropping off :hug: it'll settle down!
thank u so much 4 ur replies :hug:
just reading what u hav been through has helped me, 2day has started to get abit easier 4 us, still having a few probs latchin her on but we always manage it eventually.
i love watchin her feed so contented makes me wanna cry lol(im so soft) but i think everythin makes me wanna cry at the mo

i always thought bf wud b easy tho how wrong was i, i can understand why ppl bottle feed but i deff dont think bottle feeding is 4 me

thanks again xxxxxxxx
you're doing great skyraaa - nothing really prepares you for how difficult bf-ing can be.

i was told by friends that it wasn't easy but always thought "pah, how hard can it be to stick your boob in a baby's mouth" :roll: :lol: :lol:

it does get so much easier with time, i promise. and i still wanna cry now when connor and i have a nice cuddly feed together.

:hug: :hug:

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