Boobs less sore and sickness calming down...


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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0 11 weeks and 3 days. Is this normal? Still get one bit of sickness most mornings but no where near as bad as it has been. Boobs still feel big and heavy and tender occasionally. Hoping this is all ok? Thanks in advance.xx
Hi Hun I've heard that symptoms calm down when you are approaching tri2
I'm sure every things ok, xxx
my symptoms died down at 10-11 week then i had another week of it at 12 weeks and now sickness is easing off x so dont worry think alot of ladies feel better when tri 2 approaches x
Thank goodness. Was worried I'd take after my mum who had severe symptoms for almost 5 months! :)
they come and go to be fair from 8 to 11 weeks i felt better than ever enjoy because it will prob come back
Mine died down then came back for a week- 2 weeks then went :)
symptoms calm down a huge amount, i've never really had many, odd days where i felt sick as a dog, not actually had any boob pain since about 5 weeks pg! they've practically gone, and can now listen to people talk about food without heading for the nearest loo! :D
I am at virtually the same stage as you, and I am feeling LOADS better this week! Nausea gone, tiredness gone and my appetite is back to normal and I have stopped eating like a horse, thank god!
Yaiiii iv been in a panic that all my symptoms have gone so early great hearing that it is more common than I thought xxx
Thank you for this post! My symptoms have calmed down the last few days and I've been worried. Glad to hear it's normal!

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