boobies n sleep?


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2007
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hi :wave:

im a bit :oops: to ask this but its been doin my nut in.
i think i might be pregnant but i jus had a light period sorta brownie didnt lat long & since then my boobs feel like there full of water :shock: and all i do durin the day is sleep i may jus be confused or paronoid :? .
i don't wanna test to early and be negative then have 2 test again cause i get nervous testing plus a negative test is a waste of money. help am i paro or jus stressed.
boobies feel like water all i do is sleep i do wee a little more and i cant eat chicken any more and i keep smellin things but my periods not due till may 18th whats wrong with me please help

thank you :pray: :wave:
Are your boobs tender and sore? Only this was the first symptom I had of pregnancy.

I know what you mean about wasting money, when we were trying for ages, my OH used to go mad about the amount of PG tests I bought. I also used to exagerate symptoms and talk myself intot hinking I was PG each month!!!

Aw but I hope you are! Fingers crossed :pray:

By the way I love the word boobies :rotfl: Haven't heard it in ages, it sounds so rude :rotfl:
Hi there
My first symptom was sore, heavy boobs. I never used to get that when I was due on so I knew it was nothing to do with starting my period.
As for the amount the tests cost, there is a cheaper alternative. My SIL got me 2 for 99p each :shock: all it is, is a little stick like they use to test urine at the docs but only needed the one to tell me I was PG. I think she got them from Savers or Superdrug.
Anything to help save mone eh :D .
Good luck and hope you get the result you want.
Sherry xx
my 1st symptoms were sore boobs (but I used to get sore boobs just before period), couldnt eat or even smell chicken, funny taste in mouth, tired and very emotional

I didnt realise I was pregnant until 6 weeks and had put a lot of it down to working 7 days a weeek during the summer (I do seasonal work), and didnt have a clue why I no longer fancied eating chicken

If you can, try not to think about it and leave it another week before testing, hard I know but good luck!
Yeah, my first sign of pregnancy was very painful breasts.

My breasts were so painful that getting a good nights sleep was near impossible, and removing my bra to get washed was a nightmare.

Glad they're not as sore now.
sore boobs was one of my early symptoms. i couldnt sleep on my front from about 7 weeks and went from 32B to 32C (now they 34DD, it doesnt stop! :shock: )

the weeing and going off stuff sounds like pg symptoms too...
thnxz so much for your replys. imma leave it a while till i test fingers crossed im hopin for a baby boy :D actually just a healthy beautiful baby will do. congratulations to those who are pregnant and good luck 2 every1 that is ttc
i just wanna say to you all that without you all sharing youre symptoms i would have lost hope. For i am still gettin symptoms only less cm and less cramps. But i still got my fingers crossed and not givin up till i get my BFP.

thank to lot of you, it reaaly helps to know people are in the same position as i am but still get thier BFP.

good luck to the rest of you, i really hope u get what u want :D

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