Bodyshock: Half Ton Son

Hehe, we posted the same thread at the same time!! I wrote this:

poppy160 said:
:shock: :shock: :shock:

Oh My God.

It's flooping sick!! I feel real sorry for the dude, I know it's his fault he's in that state to begin with, but what the hell is his Mother up to? She has no right to complain about his state, she's flipping feeding him fried food and supersize Maccy D's..
The mother doesnt want him to get too thin I think!

Haha, you gotta love Texans! :lol:
It's so sad, you can see the Mother quite likes it that he is so reliant "Mothers work is never done" she doesn't want him to have any independence. :( Poor kid.
Why is she getting upset that he didnt cope coming home - surely deep down she knew he needed to stay put..

Did you hear him outside the house before he sat down "Mama, I just shit myself" who in all honesty wants to hear their 19yr old say that, you think she would want to help him rather than that :(
The mother obviously has issues with having one son die, wants to make sure her other son doesn't leave her too. Disturbing.

It's awful that someone can get to that size but at 19!! Scary.
I know that its up to him what he puts in his mouth but he's so big he cant even leave the house! and she is STILL feeding him crap! If that was ryan i would have put my foot down years ago!
I feel sorry for the mother for having lost her first son, but she does have serious issues. It's her fault her son has turned out like that. Subconciously she likes the fact he can't survive without her atm.

It reminded me of a documentary called 'Feeders' where men were purposely feeding their wives until they became morbidly obese because they liked the fact the wives became dependent on them for everything.
OMG! :shock: I taped this and i am just watching it now. :puke: fat *******!

When the mum said "Oh, he likes healthy stuff too..he likes broccoli...covered in cheese" WTF thats not bloody healthy then is it? I bet he has a bloody block of cheese on it and then thinks hes been good and ate some veg!

A family friend lives in Texas and her son is as big as a house as well (she aint no skinny minnie either) he just sits there like hes been poured into his chair, eating and farting its gross :puke:

This kind of obesity is vile and its her fault...its weird like shes mantaining him at that weight and he relys on her for everything. If by some miracle he out lived her what the hell would he do? Sit and rot? GROSS.

I had a patient like this but it was her husband that was doing it to her. She was 32 stone, and he kept bringing in cakes, choc, KFC, and making her eat it. (He was about 8 stone streak of piss) She was diabetic and on fat free restricted diet but he wouldnt listen. He was a proper feeder. Claimed he loved her but I was like you are killing her!!!
The ambulance crew couldnt get her out her home, the fire brigade had to bring her out window!

Once the lady who sells papers and such came round, and the patient asked for boost bars, the consultant heard her and said " noo too much glucose in them, you cant have that" so her husband said " Oh right, she'llhave 5 mars bars instead then" :roll:

Cant believe theres people like this!
People in Texas are either complete skinny minnies or massssssive. There seems to be no happy medium.

Some of Brian's family didnt come over for our wedding due to cost as they were having to buy 2 plane seats for the one person, just due to size.

It is quite sad :(
I saw it, I really felt for the guy.
Ok so he should have stopped eating long a go, but his mum is obviously a feeder. She seemed to relish on him needing her for everything.
It's sad but they can't complain and moan because she fed him and he took the food off her!

I watched it and it was disgusting how they were going on about him shitting and she was wiping underneath his rolls! :puke:

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