

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2014
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So, my 13 week old baby girl is awake right now... She is usually asleep. Tonight she has been a lot of a pain. I've been spoilt in that she has been really settled for the past three weeks or so - settling nicely by 1930 and generally waking at 0800 with at worst, one wake up and straight to sleep again.

Tonight, she didn't settle until 8pm and woke again at 9pm and is still awake now. My OH is with her and says her tummy is gurgling, so offering her milk. She has been on gaviscon and trying to wean her off it, but might put her back on it fully again as she's been doing lots of wet burps, little sickies, sucking her hands and hiccups which had previously been sorted.

She isn't crying, she's just very AWAKE. She's babbling and gurgling. The timing is rubbish as it's my birthday tomorrow and planned on going for a meal tomorrow night after the kids are in bed, since she's been settling so well we thought it wouldn't be a big ask for my folks.

I suffer from anxiety (so sweaty hands are already arriving in style!) and i'm worried this is going to be our night tonight...

Any advice? Is it a sleep regression? She did have a big 3 hour sleep this afternoon so wondering if it's just down to that? Or is it the reflux?
My son never slept 1930/0800 still doesn't... He's 2 now...
Did she settle in the end?

I'm wondering if it's something age related. My son is 13 weeks tomorrow and we had a struggle with him last night. He's been settling down for the night by about 8pm the last couple of weeks and going until 4/5am, having a feed then and settling back down for another hour or two. Last night he just wouldn't settle to sleep until about 10pm. The only bonus is he hasn't woken up yet!

He was also very awake in the day yesterday, only had little cat naps throughout. He's becoming a lot more aware though, he's started picking things up and trying to put them in his mouth. He's also started doing the watching his hands thing, which I find hilarious! He's wanting feeding more regularly too the last couple of days. He refuses to take more than five ounces at a time, but then is fussing for more and polishing off another bottle within three hours.

He also had his 12 week jabs on Monday, so that's probably not helping either.
rooster, ditto, for the past week or so 7-4, 4-7 and then yesterday she also had some good day naps but still no more than 5hrs total and so went to bed 8pm for the night but then woke at 2am for her feed and wouldnt be consoled without bottle, I had gotten so used to a 4am feed that I was like a zombie and then of course cos the nightfeed earlier she wakes n babbles at 6am this morning! I leave her for a bit (still trying to pry my own eyelids open!) and she drops off again, now its 7am and have mae noise, opened curtains etc and she refuses to wake...typical...she likes routine during the day but not at nighttime it seems, does anyone else specifically wake their baby in the morning to ensure similar times for wake/bedtime every day or do you do same as me and get a rough wake time and bedtime every day?

littlemonkey, watching the hands is cute cos their eyes go cross eyed too lol...our lil miss is into full on face exploration now, if you put your face close to hers and her hands she will move around, grab/punch and have developed a grab the finger with y mouth game she loves - they are so adorable at this age...oh and at nighttimes when giving her a massage, she giggles when I let my hair stroke across her belly...proper little chuckle lol...makes up the broken sleep lol....
She did, kind of. It took a while though. So stressful. I'm hoping this is a phase, but a poorly timed one at that. My folks are sitting tonight... Seems like they might be doing more than sitting though if it's a repeat performance!
Could it be the development jump around that time, my LG is always unsettled during those mainly with the day time naps.

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