

Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2011
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For the last week or so Phoebe has been a lot more alert and has been awake for most of the day.

However today all she has done is slept, she had a really good night last night only woke once for a feed instead of her usual two. She had half a bottle at half 7 (she only had 2.5oz) and fell asleep again til half 9.
All she's done is sleep and feed all day and she's only had two feeds since half 9 this morning. She's fell asleep on every bottle too and slept all the time inbetween.
Is this normal?
awww hun, i don't know sorry :( mhairi is a bit like this and she has a cold, does phoebe have a cold?
No she doesnt seem to be snuffly or anything. She normally cries through a nappy change to but she just seems really drowsy :/ x
Hey hun....we had similar when LO was smaller and hv said they can often sleep alot when having a growth spurt!! Freya's sleepy days always seemed to coincide with growing out of her clothes!!

HTH xx

Sent from my sparkly new 4s!!!
Ahh okay yeah I heard they grow while they are sleeping. But wouldn't she be feeding more?
I'm not holding out much hope of her sleeping well tonight lol xx
I used to think that but apparently not? Saying that my hv has been known to be somewhat flakey so she could be fibbing lol x

Sent from my sparkly new 4s!!!
Yes its totally normal, babies your LO's age need sleep every 1-2hours for around 60-90mins at a time. Its hard to believe but its true. They can get overtired if they dont get that, which doesn't always mean they are grumpy, but means that they struggle to sleep the next time.

Babies dont work the same was as adults....the more sleep they have the more they want. And the less sleep they have the less they want. Some ppl think if LO is up all day they will sleep well at night, when its the opposite.

Good luck
Yes, especially if it is growth spurt time! Holly does that now still, she goes for a few days with minimal little naps then has a day of monster sleeping!

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