Blue or pink????


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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What do you think I'm having???
Got a feeling it's blue............Any ideas???????
I think i'm Blue Team...

just had a strange feeling, plus Cheri22 said it would be lil boy hehe and concieve in Feb, and she was right on that.. xx
I dont know TBH, i have a little feeling it could be team BLUE but OH would love it to be team PINK although he doesnt mind! :)
Go with your instincts girls. I was convinced mine was a girl even though everybody else kept saying it would be a boy. My mum was even worried about me incase it turned out to be a boy and I would be dissappointed so she convinced me to let her buy some boys clothes (she wanted me to come to terms with the fact it might of been a boy). Then a week later we found out she was a girl and I was like 'I knew it'. :D
As much as I want it to be pink..... I've got a feeling I might be blue.

Cheri22 said a boy for me and predicted I'd conceive in January. I either conceived on January 31st or February 1st so if it's a boy I'll say I conceived on 31st January and she was right.... ....if it's a girl I'll say I conceived on 1st February so she was wrong :rotfl:
I'm feelin pink - feel different to when i was carryin my son and have dowsed with a pendulum and said pink too :lol: are any of u gonna try n find out at the 20 week scan? we are - can't wait :D xxx
I think I'm blue. Looks like there might be a mini motorbike racer in here.......
I'm feeling team blue this time.

I really, really, really, really can't wait to find out, if its legs aren't crossed that is!!

I initially said blue! So it will more than likely be pink lol!
Im really not bothered either way but I know I will want to know when I can so i will be asking!
With my others I HAD to know lol but this time, I dont feel the need to know the same haha
I keep thinking Pink, but I feel so different to last time that its probably Blue.

We won't be finding out - I love a surprise and being able to tell people "Its a ... and his/her name is" etc.
Looking at your scan pic I guess boy, no idea why just first instinct!

I also feel at the moment that my LO is going to be a boy, but would be delighted either way. OH convinced it's going to be a girl, think this is because he'd prefer a little boy - as he says if it's blue he'll only ever have to worry about one boy, but if it's pink, he'll have to worry about ALL the boys!!! :lol:
peanut1982 said:
- as he says if it's blue he'll only ever have to worry about one boy, but if it's pink, he'll have to worry about ALL the boys!!! :lol:

LMAO yeah that is so true!! :rotfl:
I have no idea! With my DS I knew he was a boy from day 1 but this one.....god knows! I refer to baby as a boy because I am used to carrying a boy. My OH thinks it's a girl.
My instinct last time was boy and I was right. This time round I don't know yet - still very early days. I'm going to wait until my symptoms kick in properly before I pass judgement!

Last time OH insisted it was a boy from the minute we found out we were expecting, this time he's already telling ds he's going to have a little brother :roll: I know that secretly he'd love a little girl too.
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