Blow to stomach


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2011
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Just wondered if anyone had any advice... Jake decided half hour ago to headbut me in the stomach. Had a really bad pain when he did it and felt a bit sick. Kinda feels weird now. Do you think baby is ok and well cushioned enough?xx:help:
Think babe is well cushoined but if you are worried hun call the hospital or out of hours surgery. xxxxxxxxxxxx
Have you got a doppler?
Got not advice but my little boy fell on me the other day, it was more on my ribs but still on my belly. I was worried aswell. Maybe you should ring the modwife but they say babys r very safe in there. xxxx
No :( Have felt her kick a couple of times but not as much as usual... im sure she is fine just feel a bit achey now x
Im sure baby is ok. They are very protected in there and if shes still kicking then thats a really good sign. If you are really concerned call your midwife or NHS Direct they should be able to advise you
Yeah im hoping she is ok, was just a bit worried as the pain brought tears to my eyes and now its all achey. Will prob see how things are in the morning x
Hope ur both ok, defo ring midwife for advice xx
How are you feeling today? Hope ur ok hun xxx
Hi, thanks ladies. Had to go to hospital as im rhesus negative so needed an anti d injection :( Good thing tho i heard babies heartbeat and was very strong so that was nice to hear. Just feeling a bit achey now where Jake headbutted me but kids will be kids xx

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