Blood tests - info needed please


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2007
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When I had my booking appt with my MW at 9 weeks, she showed me a list of blood tests that were to be done: Hb, Blood Group, Antibodies, Rubella, Hep B, Syphilis, HIV. She said they are usually done at about 12 weeks. As we are also under a private consultant, and were having our 12 week and nuchal done my him, she suggested I ask him to do these bloods. Anyway, as it happens, he didn't do the bloods, so I rang the GP surgery to make an appt to have them done. The MW was fully booked until end of June (??!!), so I booked in with a regular nurse to have them done. Should have had them done yesterday, but the surgery rang to cancel as the nurse was off sick. They told me they are not usually done until 16 weeks and have booked me in to see the nurse (MW still booked up) at 16 weeks. I am also seeing the GP that day for my 16 week check as the MW is not available. We will also see our private consultant at about 17 weeks, but I am a bit concerned that these bloods should be done sooner rather than later.

Does anyone know when these bloos tests should be done?? MW said 12 weeks, GP says 16 weeks. :roll:
Ive always heard these bloods should be done in the first trimester. I had mine done at 11 weeks. The sooner they know if you are rhesus negative, or aren't protected against rubella etc, the sooner they can do something about it. I'd push for an earlier appointment with the nurse to get your bloods done! :hug: :hug:
Jamie said:
Ive always heard these bloods should be done in the first trimester. I had mine done at 11 weeks. The sooner they know if you are rhesus negative, or aren't protected against rubella etc, the sooner they can do something about it. I'd push for an earlier appointment with the nurse to get your bloods done! :hug: :hug:

Thanks! that's what I'm thinking. I know I am rhesus positive because my mum is rhesus negative, so we were checked as babies. And I'm fairly happy about the rubella and hep B stuff as I work in the medical profession so have a check every few years to ensure we are protected. I guess as it's my first pregnancy I am just concerned that everything should happen when it's supposed to happen and not just when the GP / MW can fit you in (which seems to happen in so many cases :( )
Yeah I think they're done in 1st tri- mine were done at 10 weeks. That's really poor service hun, I'd get on to them again if I was you. *Touch wood*, what if something was wrong?
Mine were first checked at week 8. It's best to get them done sooner, as they also check for iron and glucose levels too, so the earlier you know about any abnormalities, the ealrier it can be treated.
I was told by my mw they were done around 16 weeks I actually had mine done at 17 weeks. If you're resis neg there is nothing to be done until about 28 weeks when they give you an injection - the others are all just in case you're infected type tests. HIV and Syphlis are optional its up to you if you want to have them done or not so I wouldn't worry too much.
In our area (bristol) you have the first lot of bloods taken at your booking in appointment normally about 10 or 12 weeks, then at 16 weeks you have another appointment when you get the results of those tests and also the downs blood test if you haven't already had private NT testing.

I would phone your GP and ask their advice, he/she will tell you what they expect to happen and then they'll sort it out with the nurses so it won't seem as if you're being pushy, you're just doing as the doc says!!!

Good luck
Blood tests should be done by the 10th week, esp if you'd like to be tested for downs syndrome. I tried to cancel as I had a VERY IMPORTANT meeting that day, the hospital went mental at me, said if I wanted to be tested for downs then I had to be in by my 10th week, any later was a no go. Turns out the doctor couldn't examine the baby as I was 2 weeks a head of the pregnancy and what i thought was 12 weeks was 14, hospital mistake though.

All that stress for nowt
Are you on about the triple test or am i being thick :?
TT has to be done at around 15 weeks in our hospital but before the 18th week,
I'm not sure if its the same for everyone but i definitely didn't have any bloods taken till i was 16+4 and i was bleeding lots from 6 weeks :think:
Sorry that probably doesn't help much but i would do some research on the net or ask more ladies here (they are the dogs droopy bits for info ;) )
And then go from that information as to whether you should push harder or wait till 15 weeks :hug:

Good luck
I had mine done at 14 weeks thats when my midwife said they are done so it must be different for each place :?
I had my blood tests for rhesus negative, HIV, syphillis on the 14th week and the downs blood test on the 17th week. You could call the hospital where you have your scans and ask them if you want a second opinion.

Check here also for some reassurance: ... ests.shtml ... onId=33516

I hope this helps. :hug:

Also I would try not to worry as I agree with smurf that there is nothing they would really do in case you are rhesus negative up until the 28th week. But do push them if you feel worried - stress is not good for either you or LO. :hug: That's why they are there, so that they give us support/reassurance/info etc.
Also...the NHS Pregnancy Book the midwife gave me says that the Downs Syndrome blood test is performed at about 15-20 weeks. It mentions the other blood tests (HIV, syphillis, rubella, blood group) but says nothing about when they should be performed. You may want to have a look at that book as well. :hug:
I'll just add when I had mine too :D I had all the blood test done at my booking in appointment, and I was about 6 weeks. They would have been done whenever I made the appointment though, but in my area they're always done at the booking in appt. Had triple test done at 16 weeks, this needs to be done by (I think) 18th week so that you can have an amnio if you want to x
Thanks for all the replies! Sounds like people have them at all different stages - what's the 'triple' test some of you have mentioned??

The only blood test I have had so far was at 12 weeks at the time of my nuchal screening, so the test was for Downs (although the report came back with 2 other conditions screened for as well but I can't remember their names off the top of my head - I had never heard of them before).

I will phone the MW today and ask her advice :think:

Hmmm - was also wondering about the urine tests - I haven't had one at all yet ... is this usual??

Thanks in advance!
X5OT said:
Hmmm - was also wondering about the urine tests - I haven't had one at all yet ... is this usual??

I've had a urine test at every appt, which means I've had a test done when I went to see the GP to tell her I was pregnant, at my first MW appt at 8 weeks, and at my 16 and 22 week checks. The urine tests should be done more regularly than blood tests as they check for protein where elevated levels can indicate a bacterial infection.
And also diabetes and pre-eclampsia. I have a urine test at every appointment too, you should definitely have had one by now :hug:
Well, thanks for all the replies - knew I could count on you guys :clap:

I spoke to my MW today who said she would like to get the bloods and urine test done as soon as possible, so I am booked in for next Tues with one of the GP nurses (MW fully booked for weeks). Was a bit of a mission trying to get an appt though - the receptionist said there might be a problem fitting me in next week as 3 nurses are off sick. My reply was, 'well, there might be a bigger problem coz I'm 14 weeks through my first pregnancy and haven't had any bloods or urine checked yet!!' FFS - what are they like??! So she has 'found' me an appt for next Tues. I will be 14 + 5. Then I will see the GP for my 16 week check, and then my consultant at 16 + 5 just before we go off on hols to Florida :D

Cheers girls!

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