When I had my booking appt with my MW at 9 weeks, she showed me a list of blood tests that were to be done: Hb, Blood Group, Antibodies, Rubella, Hep B, Syphilis, HIV. She said they are usually done at about 12 weeks. As we are also under a private consultant, and were having our 12 week and nuchal done my him, she suggested I ask him to do these bloods. Anyway, as it happens, he didn't do the bloods, so I rang the GP surgery to make an appt to have them done. The MW was fully booked until end of June (??!!), so I booked in with a regular nurse to have them done. Should have had them done yesterday, but the surgery rang to cancel as the nurse was off sick. They told me they are not usually done until 16 weeks and have booked me in to see the nurse (MW still booked up) at 16 weeks. I am also seeing the GP that day for my 16 week check as the MW is not available. We will also see our private consultant at about 17 weeks, but I am a bit concerned that these bloods should be done sooner rather than later.
Does anyone know when these bloos tests should be done?? MW said 12 weeks, GP says 16 weeks.
Does anyone know when these bloos tests should be done?? MW said 12 weeks, GP says 16 weeks.