Blood Test Results


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2012
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Hi ladies hope you are all well. I have been a bit quiet for a while just getting on with things and not thinking about babies for a bit (well trying not to anyway). So i came off the pill last October and my periods have been RUBBISH ever since, i havent had one since January so after going back and forth to the doctor she arranged for me to have a blood test to check my thyroid, diabetes, anaemia, my hormone levels etc. Well got the results today - no further action needed, all normal. I feel awful for what i am about to say but this has to be the first time i have ever had a blood test and actually WANTED something to be wrong so it can be fixed and i can have a baby :( whereas now i really dont know what the next step will be and i bet the doctor is going to now say 'just wait' but its so hard! its doing my head in, just needed to vent :( xxxx
sorry to hear that - I know what you mean - if there was something wrong it could be fixed - but to say everything is fine is a bit of a let down! As you are still no further into finding out why no AF since January? Have you tried some natural remedies to help regulate your hormones/cycle? such as Evening Primrose oil or Agnus castus?
Hi Iwant3. I feel so awful for wanting something to be wrong and i should be thankful that i am healthy but at least if something was wrong it could be put right but hey ho, i will arrange an appointment with the doctor in next couple of weeks to go through my results properly. I did go on AC for about 4 months but it gave me headaches and also made my skin quite bad so i decided to come off it in the end, plus the doctor told me it would be better to come off it for the blood tests. I havent tried Evening Primrose Oil though?
I swear by Evening primrose oil - I used Agnus castus when I first came off the pill to ttc my daughter thinking it would regulate my cycles quickly - I did my my cycles back quick, but the 3rd cycle I didn't use agnus castus I used Evening primrose oil and fell pregnant that cycle. And the same when ttc my son - I used Evening primrose oil 3rd cycle and hey presto!

Hope you get on ok at the docs :)
I think i might have to get some Evening Primrose Oil in that case then!

Thank you :)

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