Blocked milk duct help please!

Nicole mummy

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2012
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Ok I think I have a blocked milk duct as my right breast is very sore and has a red patch and hot to touch where the pain is? I can feed my baby boy with a small amount of pain, it started last night but getting worse now. Any tips or advice welcome. My baby is 4 weeks tomorrow, should I ring the health visitor? X
Try a warm flannel on the affected area try and massage boobie when you try to feed. (I know easier said than done hun.) :( and id ring your gp or hv hun. I was told this when I bf. I dont any more had to give up when my lg was week and a half old :(I hope this helps hun xx
I've not had either, but it sounds like it could even be the start of mastitis. I have a couple of friends that had it, and it can leave you feeling pretty rotten. I would get yourself to your go, if I were you. I believe you are meant to keep emptying the affected breast in either case, so if you can, keep feeding or expressing. Hope you feel better soon. :)
I would definitely ring hv/breast feeding support worker - sounds like it could be mastitis cos you've got a red patch - watch out for flu symptoms! - and if it is you might need to see GP for antibiotics. But yeah, in the mean time keep the milk flowing through :)

If it is mastitis, I feel for you! I had it a couple of weeks ago and felt so poorly. Hopefully it will clear up in a few days xx

Sounds like mastitis hon, i had it a few days ago, as soon as the fever kicked in i rushed to docs for ABs and it cleared up in two days, thankfully! So so painful, especially when trying to bf and comfort twins :/
I've left messages on my health visitors phone and the doctor can't see me till thurs WTF!
There is an own clinic tomorrow for the health visitor that I'm going to go too I think. Should I only offer my bad boobie first before second or just breast feed as normal? Ahhh feel stressed he is not an easy baby either very grumpy and been up all night with him too so today been difficult. Thanks for the messages feeling a bit lost today! x
Sounds like mastitis hon, i had it a few days ago, as soon as the fever kicked in i rushed to docs for ABs and it cleared up in two days, thankfully! So so painful, especially when trying to bf and comfort twins :/

Wow you sound like superwoman breast feeding twins! X
Lol, its not easy, i feel a bit like daisy the cow at times, but its getting easier now :)
I fed as normal, but mine have a boobie each, so if i was you i would offer the bad one first and get it emptied. And get yourself to the clinic :)
I have one fussy baby too so you have my sympathy, persevere though, it will get easier! X
Hi girls, yes I went to see my health visitor yesterday ��
She said it was a blocked duct but all the advice worked wonders I'm only a little tender and the red patch has gone.
I did nothing but feed yesterday, lots of boobie massage and a hot bath saved the day. My son has shot up in weight from a 7lb birth weight to 11lb just 4 weeks old yesterday so feeling pleased with my chunky man.
Thank you to everyone for the advice it really did help. X

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