Blocked duct


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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I think I have a blocked duct. Theres a big lump inside one of my boobs and Tyler has been fussing when feeding. I'm trying to massage it. Do I need to go to the doctors?

I would say yes as i got one with paige and it got infected and i needed antibiotics. keep trying to feed from that side tho! And try putting a warm flannel over and expressing from that side. Ouchies!! xx
I've had it twice...First time it started at night and in the morning my breast was opainful and had few hard places, I went to GP and had antibiotics... But second time I had it wasn't that bad ( sounds like yours now). You need to go to docs unless your breast is getting red patches or you starting to have a fever. Otherwise it should go away in 24 hours. Make sure you keep your breasts warm, massage it gently and often, it's really good to massage while you in the warm shower or bath. And give that breast to baby as often as you can ( babies are the best in unblocking ducts)...Also rest a lot and drink plenty of fluids. Most likely it will not get back to normal till tomorrow if it started today. As I said before it usually takes 24 hours to see the difference.
Good luck!
I've just expressed an oz and fed baby when i can on it! Really worried it's going to get worse overnight!!

I used to get massive lumps when I started BFing. I used to massage it has I was feeding Oz and it always used to go down.

if it doesn't go down so it's completely gone defo go docs coz it could be start of mastitis hun.

best thing for that though is to keep feeding through it, but it is painful. I never had it, but my mum did and she said it was killer. But you can get meds for it.

I get them in the morning on the boob Fin didn't feed from last in the night as that could have been 6-8 hours ago when last used depending on when he woke in the night. I feed him from that boob and massage them as he feeds and they go down after his feed. Hope it doesn't amount to anything Hun xxx
Last night I went to sleep with a hot waterbottle on it and fed on it in the night and this morning it felt better. I massaged it in the shower this morning and been changing Tyler's positions 3 times during feeds on that side (and massaging!) and now it's a tiny tiny lump and not painful!! Think it'll be gone by tomorrow.


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