Bloated Stomach?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2012
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I've had a bloated stomach now for a while ... I do suffer with recurrent outbursts of thrush (yuck I know) ... I can get it quite severely to a point where I'm in sooo much pain down below.

Anyway ... I was wondering if anyone else suffers with bloated stomachs and get thrush alot aswell and if they know if it's living inside my stomach and not just down below and is perhaps causing me not to be able to conceive? Anyone know of any treatments both natural and creams/tabs that I can use to sort this problem out?

Also when I say bloated stomach I sometimes look like I'm a few months gone.

Any tips or help please??

Sorry but I've no idea. Have you spoken to your GP? I'd defo make an appointment to get it checked out. :)

Hiya, I used to get recurrant thrush, but just down below. I was referred to consultant and first thing he did was told me to stop taking the pill!! Bit of a nitemare as wasnt ttc then :roll: But while I was there I spoke to a nurse who told me she used th have thrush in her stomach!! I had never heard of that before :eh: Anyway, wot I spose Im saying is praps u should go to gp and c if he can refer u? Having thrush is miserable and I cant see it helping if u ttc :wall2: Good luck xx Btw, I very rarely get it now, but havent taken the pill since, stopping it seemed to sort it out ! :)
Yeah I'm wondering if it's in my stomach too, I've been given tablets and creams to help ... I now have tablets for a month to take so hopefully that will clear it up, if not then I'll have to go back again and see if anything else will help! .. Thanks xxx

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