Blind Panic Last Night hahaha


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2008
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I feel stupid but had a moment of blind panic in bed last night...

Im a pretty well organised person, im addicted to writing lists for everything to keep me right :lol: anyway last night lying in bed and me and Lee were talking about he birth etc etc. I got my boots deliver yesterday with my maternity pads and bed pads in (incase my waters break in bed :lol:) and all of a sudden it dawned on me that I haven't even started to think about my hospital bag... I know I have ages away till I might need it etc but the thought of not been organised filled me with dread :lol: I dont even have a bag big enough to take everything to hospital never mind stuff for me to put in it... all ive thought about was stuff that baby would need not me :wall: :wall: I just need to know that everything is ready.

My god girls whats wrong with me!!! :lol:
:lol: :lol: This post made me chuckle!!!

well Mrs B maybe you can help me with some of your lists, I honestly dont know where to start!!! Do you know any websites? Would be a gerat help darling, you can PM then to me if its easier!! lol!

Well have you started doing the list for your hospital bag?

DON'T PANIC - there's still time to pack :lol:

I have another 24 weeks to go and was thinking the other day about what bag i will take to hospital! Crazy. I think that having these thoughts just helps to distract me from thinking about the part i really don't want to think about :shock:

I'm with Lillyblue - please share your lists!
Im going to put dinner on and start a list.... :rotfl: I have to or Im going to go insane and dream about it :lol:

any ladies on here who have been there and done it got any good tips of things you wished u had took but didnt, or pure life savers when you were in labour to help us newbies out??

i found this might be a way to start:: ... spitalbag/

lists lists lists :cheer: :lol:
lol wish i was organised i still cant think what i need to put on my list, every time i get pen and paper out my mind go's blank! :wall:
Your slipping up Mrs!! :lol:

Last time I was at the hospital, this poor man was carrying his wives bags as she was getting examined because she was in labour and he had a baby bag, a bag for her, and a bag of his stuff and their coats! Looked well awkward to keep picking up and moving about so we're definitely having 1 case/bag for everything :)
MrsBrightside said:
Im going to put dinner on and start a list.... :rotfl: I have to or Im going to go insane and dream about it :lol:

any ladies on here who have been there and done it got any good tips of things you wished u had took but didnt, or pure life savers when you were in labour to help us newbies out??

i found this might be a way to start:: ... spitalbag/

lists lists lists :cheer: :lol:

Just had a look at that list on Babycentre and i think i'm going to need a bigger bag than i'd imagined! So much stuff needed :shock:
MrsBrightside said:
Im going to put dinner on and start a list.... :rotfl: I have to or Im going to go insane and dream about it :lol:

any ladies on here who have been there and done it got any good tips of things you wished u had took but didnt, or pure life savers when you were in labour to help us newbies out??

i found this might be a way to start:: ... spitalbag/

lists lists lists :cheer: :lol:

Erm one question about that list...a change of clothes for your partner? Whats that for.. dare I ask? :eek: :think:
Thanks Mrs B!!!!! I am due same time as you so i need to be prepared!!! lol Your assistance is needed

I have a list hun but it's endless !! I got it from a babyshop recently but doubt if we actually need or will use everything... Depends on the duration of the hospital stay I guess.... Let me type them out and then the other sensible girls here can tell us which are the items we really need and which ones are unnecessary !!

Toiletries for baby

liquid baby shampoo
Baby shampoo
baby oil
brush & comb
4 towels (coloured) ( :think: ?)
Sponge/soft cloth
pack of new born nappies
nappy rash cream
baby wipes
cotton wool

Toiletries for mummy

Shower gel
maternity pads
box of tissues
brush & comb

Clothes for baby

4 baby grows
4 vests
2 pairs socks
2 pairs mittins

Clothes for mummy

4 pyjamas or nightdresses (in case of breast feeding front fastening)
dressing gown
2 nursing bras
plastic shoes for shower
disposable & cotton panties

Hope I've given you a rough guide....
Oh I guess I might add something else - you also need a change of clothes to go home in :rotfl: - such a long list and yet they left it out probably because it's not something you can buy from their shop :lol:
Awh thanks for these lists I am starting a file in word now so that I can start storing all my lists and print them out!!! :D

I need any help that anyone has got!!!!! :hug:

Oh my goodness that is alot of stuff.. I'm only going to pack for the 1 night (standard at my hospital if its a normal birth) and if I need to stay longer, hubby can get stuff for me!

Is packing baby bath things necessary? I thought you shouldn't bath your newborn? :think: and if you want to wash him just use water and cotton wool around his head etc?
I turned the page around and found more stuff :shock: :shock: :shock:

Here we go:-

Top n tail bowl or small 15 cm bowl
Mosquito net
Name tags (optional)
Cotton nursery squares (muslin squares)

make up
slippers & socks
infant carrier seat

.................... I would also add a bottle of spray detergent if you have to share a bathroom and possibly some bags or brown paper to wrap used sanitary towels if they are not provided....
ShineyHappyPeople said:
Oh my goodness that is alot of stuff.. I'm only going to pack for the 1 night (standard at my hospital if its a normal birth) and if I need to stay longer, hubby can get stuff for me!

Is packing baby bath things necessary? I thought you shouldn't bath your newborn? :think: and if you want to wash him just use water and cotton wool around his head etc?

I know it's ridiculously long I hadn't even realised as I hadn't really looked at it before :oops: .... I was keeping it in my bag so that it'll be ready when I decided to go and buy them.... I don't even have the actual bag yet. I had stored all bags (gym bags, beach bags etc) in garbage bags in our box room and OH mistook them for garbage and took them all out to be collected by the garbage truck :roll: :rotfl:
Aida said:
I turned the page around and found more stuff :shock: :shock: :shock:

Here we go:-

Top n tail bowl or small 15 cm bowl
Mosquito net
Name tags (optional)
Cotton nursery squares (muslin squares)

make up
slippers & socks
infant carrier seat

.................... I would also add a bottle of spray disinfectant if you have to share a bathroom and possibly some bags or brown paper to wrap used sanitary towels if they are not provided....
Aida said:
ShineyHappyPeople said:
Oh my goodness that is alot of stuff.. I'm only going to pack for the 1 night (standard at my hospital if its a normal birth) and if I need to stay longer, hubby can get stuff for me!

Is packing baby bath things necessary? I thought you shouldn't bath your newborn? :think: and if you want to wash him just use water and cotton wool around his head etc?

I know it's ridiculously long I hadn't even realised as I hadn't really looked at it before :oops: .... I was keeping it in my bag so that it'll be ready when I decided to go and buy them.... I don't even have the actual bag yet. I had stored all bags (gym bags, beach bags etc) in garbage bags in our box room and OH mistook them for garbage and took them all out to be collected by the garbage truck :roll: :rotfl:

:lol: Whoops!! At least you get to buy a nice new one!
ShineyHappyPeople said:
Your slipping up Mrs!! :lol:

Last time I was at the hospital, this poor man was carrying his wives bags as she was getting examined because she was in labour and he had a baby bag, a bag for her, and a bag of his stuff and their coats! Looked well awkward to keep picking up and moving about so we're definitely having 1 case/bag for everything :)

I know im slipping I dont know whats going on :wall: :wall:

ive been looking at bags on ebay to get that first me thinks!! I just dont want to forget anything and then have to explain to Lee where things are if he needs to get them
Aida said:
I turned the page around and found more stuff :shock: :shock: :shock:

Here we go:-

Top n tail bowl or small 15 cm bowl
Mosquito net
Name tags (optional)
Cotton nursery squares (muslin squares)

make up
slippers & socks
infant carrier seat

.................... I would also add a bottle of spray disinfectant if you have to share a bathroom and possibly some bags or brown paper to wrap used sanitary towels if they are not provided....
OMG, how the hell can I delete all the replies I keep sending?? :oops: :oops: Sorry for being so thick I was only trying to edit one word and ended up quoting my replies a couple of times .... SORRY :pray: !!!!!

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