Bleeding tummy button

Ava's was like this for a while after the cord fell off. Midwife and health visitor wernt too conserned.
I just kept it clean and it scabbed over eventually. :)
Thank you

I have left it for now which has stemmed the bleeding may just leave it alone as much as is hygenically possible until I can show it the MW.
It could be an umbilical granuloma - have a wee look at this thread here - viewtopic.php?f=56&t=93429.

Becky had this until about 12 weeks or so and it cleared up without any intervention. We just kept it clean with cooled boiled water and cotton wool, letting it air as much as possible and keeping her nappy folded down off it. I would speak to your HV or MW about it but try not to worry because it's quite common :hug:
yeah millies was the same. i just cleaned the crust off, the scab is actually inside the belly button and just crusts over otside it.

it did clear up after about 2 1/2 weeks or so
Hi girls, dont want to be the bearer of bad news, and every case is different, but please be careful with oozing belly buttons. Neves cord fell off but her button was not drying up and we got sent to the hospital where she spent three nights on an iv administrating antibiotics. They worry about belly buttons because if it is open or bleeding it is a gateway for bacteria to get in and cause an internal infection which can be very dangerous. Just double check with ur doc if not clearing up xx

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