Bleeding at 5 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2016
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Hi ladies,

Just been to the loo and had some pink discharge? I have had cramps on and off and abit of back pain. Anyone else had this?

Registered with MW today. Will ring GP in morning as no contact number for her.

Worried because I know got a 2-3 on digi this morning too.

Thanks ladies xx
I had quite a bit of bleeding in week 6. Mine started as just a bit of pink on wiping and ended up dark red and heavy flowing. It only lasted a couple of hours but I had a bit of a wobble and called my local unit in tears. They got my in for a scan the following day and could see baby's heartbeat. 14 weeks now and no issues since.

A lot of the ladies on the March thread have had some form of bleeding, seems a lot more common than I'd have expected.

Definitely get in touch with your local midwife or EPU if you're worried though as it never hurts to check. X
I had quite a bit of bleeding in week 6. Mine started as just a bit of pink on wiping and ended up dark red and heavy flowing. It only lasted a couple of hours but I had a bit of a wobble and called my local unit in tears. They got my in for a scan the following day and could see baby's heartbeat. 14 weeks now and no issues since.

A lot of the ladies on the March thread have had some form of bleeding, seems a lot more common than I'd have expected.

Definitely get in touch with your local midwife or EPU if you're worried though as it never hurts to check. X

Thank you.

I'd gotten and 2-3 on digi 5 days ago and was expecting to get a 3+ today, and my nippes have been decreasing in soreness all day and then when I went to the loo and saw spotting, well your mind automatically goes to the worst. I've had cramps on and off for two weeks aswell but I've had back ache today which is new.

MW didn't give me a number to ring directly, and I've looked in my pregnancy pack and cant see any numbers apart from 111 to call. Dont know who to contact. Guessing I should wait for GP to open in he morning and give them a ring and see what they suggest xxx
You must be worried sick, but a lot of women bleed in early pregnancy. My midwife always told me not to panic if it's light pink or dark brown. If you're bleeding bright red, then you should call the EPU.
Let us know what the doctor said, good luck hun, will be thinking of you tomorrow.x
I had bleeding between week 4 and 5 and it lasted over a week it was pinkish and brownish nearly everytime i wiped they told me to relax put a towel on it didnt actually really come out but was enough to scare me its really quite normal ladies have already given u great advice im 11 weeks now seen babys heartbeat but i had a bleed on sunday it was bright red i went ryt to epu but it was my cervix and lil bub is fine try relax it really is more common than its made out to be pampers tell u to expect spotting uptil 12 weeks sending u lots of love stay positive!!! Xxx
Oh hun, you must be so scared, I’d be going out of my mind. Lots of ladies bleed though and it doesn’t necessarily mean the worst. Fingers crossed it stops soon and you get to speak to your doctor.

Thanks ladies.

Not sure whether to bother the drs or not now. It was only when I wiped on that one occasion and was gone in two wipes. I've had nothing since. Xx
Thanks ladies.

Not sure whether to bother the drs or not now. It was only when I wiped on that one occasion and was gone in two wipes. I've had nothing since. Xx

I know that midwifes want to know about any kind of spotting at all so I’d still mention it to them x
I’ve bled from 7-18 weeks with this pregnancy. I’ve had two big bleeds but the rest have been small. I’d ring your dr even if you don’t think it’s enough blood because it’s in your record if it happens again which I’ve found helpful! Xxx
Thanks ladies.

MW didn't give me a number to ring so I'll have to go through the GP xx
Just waiting for the GPs phone lines to open :roll:

Just took a CB digi on a 4 and a half hours hold and got 3+ so that's something at least :smile: xx
If you got a 3+ then it sounds like your hcg is still increasing and if the spotting has stopped as well it sounds very promising.

Keeping everything crossed for you xx
Pink spotting I had at 5/6weeks and saw a strong heartbeat at 7weeks. Keep positive esp if got 3+ now. Fx always say to midwife any worries. X

Thank you.

Just got off the phone with receptionist, she wants me to see the GP at 10.20 xx
That is great as will help put yourself at ease even speaking to doctor or midwife can help the anxiety. Hope all goes okay for you x
That is great as will help put yourself at ease even speaking to doctor or midwife can help the anxiety. Hope all goes okay for you x

Yeah hopefully.

Not had any spotting since. Luckily I'm on annual leave for the next week.

Will update with what ever the doctors say later xx
Yeah hopefully.

Not had any spotting since. Luckily I'm on annual leave for the next week.

Will update with what ever the doctors say later xx

Maybe ask for a blood test today and Monday so they can check hcg rising enough? As it is too early for them to scan x
Just waiting for the GPs phone lines to open :roll:

Just took a CB digi on a 4 and a half hours hold and got 3+ so that's something at least :smile: xx

Oh thats good news hun, I had spotting at 6 weeks and really awful back pain so I assumed the worse and panicking terribly but there was nothing wrong, the baby was fine, the sonographer said it could have just been a bit of implantation bleeding making it’s way out x
Thanks ladies.

As far as I'm aware they dont do blood tests in my area unless they are worried about an ectopic. MW said I'm somewhere between 5 and 6 weeks so I'm guessing womt be sent for a scan as it's to early. Xx

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