Blackout blinds


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
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Does anyone use the gro-anywhere blackout blinds? I'm convinced it's the light pouring into his room that is making LO get up at 5am! Any good?
I haven't but I'm going to keep an eye on this thread as I'm very interested in the answer after looking at these in tesco last week!
well my windows are funny sizes and trying to get a blind was a nightmare i needed a custom made one the prices ranged from £80-£200 for a full blackout blind! We have a market in our local town and i was told by a friend to try there so i did! £58 for a full blackout blind and its also the colour i wanted (red) both sides are coloured and i ordered it good friday and they rung me the day after easter monday to say it was ready!!

I can imagine these are a good option though and i was thinking i should have looked into this first!

But as were going to my mums caravan later this year the curtains are very thin so might invest in one for there!
I've got a gro anywhere one! Didn't really use it last year, but used it last night and it seemed to do the job! Was easy to put up, if I ignored the toddler shouting "get down mummy, now!!" cos I had to stand on the chest f drawers :lol:
Lol :) gotta love toddlers x
lol, being told off my your LO :lol:

I think I might go get one then, we're away next month so was going to get one nearer the time anyway, I just need some bloody sleep lol!!
I don't have a blackout blind but have black out curtains and they're so good! X

I don't know if it's a gro one but we have a blackout blind, highly recommend it!! x x
im in italy atm & oh has shutters on his window... lo slept until 9am after waking for a feed at 2am! usually in london we are up at 7am every day!!!! maybe just coincidence but im curious to see if tomorrow is the same!! will let you know!!
Well, I don't know if it's coincidence or not, but LO didn't wake up until 7am this morning! He's been awake at 5am for the last 6 weeks or so, so I'm really hoping it's the blinds :) I feel fresh as a daisy! :lol:
this morning lo woke at 10am!!!!!!!!!!! i was late to meet my friend, couldnt belive it!!! he slept from 9am and woke at 4am for a feed and then woke again at 10!!! our routine has gone tits up since we got here!!!!! lol. im convinced its the shutters, no other explanation lol.
Oh I have a grow thingy one! Love it! It doesn't let the sun shine in at 5am!! Its not badly priced, can o on any window, an easy to take anywhere, ie holiday x
Well, he's been awake since 5:30 :wall: I'm trying to convince him it's still night time but he's having none of it! Oh well!
Lol. It worked when he first got it, so I don't think it's to do with the blind, but our lo is still on his 4.30 flex. Is this a common thing at their age coz quite a few babies seem to be doing this? X
I think it must be, LO is always struggling with a tooth it seems, just as one pops up there's another on the way so maybe it's to do with that? I just hope it doesn't go on toooooo much longer!
I'm thinking that too. He got his first 2 at 6 months. Was 9 months yday.. And were still waiting on anymore!! Can't even see white under his guns but convinced they must be bothering himm! X
We had bottom two at 6 months too, LO is 9 months on Monday but has his two top ones now as well, the second was a real bitch to get through though, it bothered him for ages! I think I see two more coming through either side of his top two now :(
It's never ending! Lol.
If cians this bad with the front I'm dreading the back ones! Xx
I can' t even bring myself to think about the back ones lol!!

I've come to the conclusion that the black out blinds (or at least this stupid sticky one I'm fast starting to detest cos it won't bloody stay on!) are doing sweet FA, 3:30 we were up this morning!! Convinced him to have another hours kips at about 5:20 but we've been up wide awake again since 6:30. So bloody tired, I've only had about 3 hours sleep cos he was up at 11:30 for an hour as well :mad:

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