Black Cloudy Day


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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Ive got my miserable head on today! Only because I STILL have no hot water or heating and I need a bath. The plumber was supposed to come out last night after 6pm...he didnt even ring :x I called back my landlords thismorning and they said he should be in touch today. Should isnt good enough for a frustrated 9months preggo woman :cry: Mums is to far to walk to for a shower so I just have to wait.

Rant over :lol:
I know how you feel. Except never been through it at 9 months. Having a bath is such a beautiful thing while pregnant.

I hope they come to sort it soon for you Tilly x
aww hun that sucks can you not boil up some hot water?
i no it will take a while but atleast you'll get a nice bath
manda xx
I always feel miserable when I can't have a shower or bath. It's got to be one of the worst house problems losing the hot water.
I hope it's fixed soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hope they fix it soon. :hug:

How can you spend the first few hours of labour in a nice warm bath if you haven't got hot water eh!?! :wink: :rotfl:
Awww its crappy when you can't have a soak or shower. I do feel for you.

Hopefully he is there today :hug: :hug: :hug:
Agree with MM, that has to be one of the worst thigs, being deprived of hot water :cry:

Hope you're OK (and not too smelly!) and that they come and fix it soon :hug:
LOL - Im stewing! Not really, I had a wash with water from Kettle :D I was considering boiling up saucepans and millions of kettles but I think in my current preggo state it wouldnt be wise to start carrying boiling water all over the house :lol:

The man has called and said he is coming to have a look in about an hour :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: He and the landlord know I need a new boiler but the landlord wont pay for it. He also knows he needs to fix the damp patches but he wont pay for that either.....tight git! Oh well its his walls that will crumble :lol:
Thats rubbish about having not hot water, but at least he is coming now! :cheer:

Hope he gets it fixed soon :D

Alex xxx
poor you

have some hugs, i love my baths, trouble getting in and out of them these days mind with my weight around my tummy !

hopefully it will be fixed soon
Well its long for is another question. The man who came out is my friends Dad, he a really nice bloke :) He says I really need a new oiler as it is going to go again. Its really leaking inside, he cant stop it and a drop of water just puts the pilot light out :roll: The bottom of the boiler has already rusted away and there is a puddle on the bathroom floor I have to mop everyday. I also noticed a pipe is leaking in there too now :? I am going to wait until Ive resigned my contract nexty month before I rock the boat and then kick off about everything :twisted: Im sure they are obliged to fix shit like that?!
G;ad its fixed but he should really be replacing it - nasty man!

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