
Me, My Girls & I

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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What do you do about it? Katie started doing this the other week, but it was on the odd occasion where she was really upset, like when daddy left! Now every time she gets stressed she bites, it doesn't matter what she's biting, itl just be whatever's nearest, sofas, the bar on her cast, the floor! You name it she'll bit it! Quite ofte. It's her own hand she bites, but earlier she purposfully grabbed my hand and bit my finger :shock:

She had a timeout in her cot then after a very stern telling off! Is there a miracle way of stopping it? I've already had to rescue ella's foot from her mouth once!!
Oh dear - I don't have any advice as this is my first pregnancy, athough my Mum said whenever I bit as a kid, she bit me back. I soon learnt she says! Not sure if that's the best way these days though! lol! Hope you get an answer soon! x
Yep, Jacob bites things! Not me so much now it used to be my fingers until I painted my nails with that bitter tasting stuff you use to stop biting them, I dont even bite my nails only did it to stop Jacob biting my fingers and he hasnt since :rofl: He bites his hands, feets! YES, feet :shock: tables, benches.....I just have to be persistant and say NO! But he laughs and I'm too scared to pull him off these objects incase I break his teeth so I now tap his hand lightly :)
Caitlin really bit me once HARD! I was trying to check her teeth as she seemed to be complaining holding her mouth alot and I couldn't believe it she slammed down her mouth and bit me so HARD and forceful that I actually had to slap her leg for her to let go :shock: I also screamed ouch it wasn't stoppable she did it so hard!

She did occasion biting but luckily it was never much and I would tell her off alright. Not something I was ever going to let go with a soft "don't do that", simply NO.


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