Bitch or dog


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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Looking to get a puppy but not quite sure whether to get a bitch or dog?

Already have a bitch & dog, would want one to fit in.
You may be better off with a bitch as if you got another dog you may have a problem fighting over who is the dominent one.

Dee xxx
ive got one of each. i found the bitch to be calmer. my male dog is alot more clingy (bad english lol)

but it may just be the breed, as every dog is different.

one thing about having a female is you have to be sharp on getting her done (unless you plan on breeding)

housetraining would genrally be better with a female as most male dogs cock there leg (saying most as my 6month old male still hasnt learnt :lol: )
keslo66 said:
ive got one of each. i found the bitch to be calmer. my male dog is alot more clingy (bad english lol)

but it may just be the breed, as every dog is different.

one thing about having a female is you have to be sharp on getting her done (unless you plan on breeding)

housetraining would genrally be better with a female as most male dogs cock there leg (saying most as my 6month old male still hasnt learnt :lol: )

LOL Our Hooch is 7yrs old and still squats :?
lol mad isnt it.

i always put it down to rebel being brought up with a female. but god knows.
Thanks girls, I was thinking of a bitch.

Yeah definetly would get her done asap as my boy is entire and dont want little puppies running around. :shock: :shock:
Ive got Beagles so they absolutely love others dogs. My dads two dogs come round but they are Collie's and abit offish with them. When the fence has come down between my neighbours house and ours all dogs where running round playing for ages (they have 3).

Im looking to get a Bichon
aw beagels are sweet.

bischons from my expierience are mad lol. there was a lil white one at the dog training. and he was off his rocker lol. very sweet dog, wanted to socialise more than train i think lol

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